Damage Done Review !!!

Originally posted by ILikeHotGirls
bah I made a typo :( Too much on my mind lately. It's a good song and easily on of the best on the album no matter its spelled.
Oh, no worries :)
I like it a lot too, even though i haven't listened to any other song from the album :D
Hi there, I have just uploaded my own review of the new Dark Tranquillity album "Damage Done" to my website SonicDeath.

You can check out the review at www.sonicdeath.co.uk

I understand some of you might not be interested in reviews and just want to wait until it's out. That's totally cool. If you do read it, hope you like the review.

Interesting you started another thread when I just posted a thread about my review! Heh! Do you just visit the site normally?

Um, ah well I suppose this is one thing we can agree on. I was really out of order to you the other day, but some of your comments pissed me off (I won't tell you what about, I'm sure you can guess, heh).
@hellion; @phyre: sorry for messing with your threads, but these days there's a new "damage done review" thread coming up every 12 hours. to avoid the first page being submerged by them i'd say we all post new links on this one. if you think it's not prominent enough i can make it stick to the top of the page for a while...

If people keep posting reviews, perhaps pinning this at the top for a week or so would be a good idea...perhaps renaming the thread title so its obvious they should be posted there.

Sorry, I didn't want to piss anybody in the forum off.

Hope you liked the review, if you read it that is.