I want a Progpower in NYC!!!!


Aug 9, 2005

Why can't you partner up with a NYC promoter and do a show up here at he opposite time of year? Like early spring?

I miss the Powermad shows, the only decent festival in driving distance.

We need a good festival in NYC!!

Original Post: "A good festival in NYC? HA..screw you!

I will expound upon this further later (assuming I can re-edit this post), but I have to go to class right now. =\


Updated Post:

One thing I have noticed over the years is that the people who complain most about shows are usually the ones who actually get many of them. New York and California are notorious for it in my experiences. If anyone comes to tour the USA, they will 95% of the time hit up NY or Cali. For those that live in these states and perhaps not the cities that the performance is being held, the drive is probably a bit sucky. However, the chances to see some awesome bands such as Iron Maiden, Emperor, Immortal, are yours for the taking. There are many others, but these are ones that I recall immediately. Pay attention to the tourdates next time for bands and see how well they tour the southeast. Granted, things are finally starting to look up a little bit for us down here, but power metal bands are rare to come through. While many of you enjoy the greatness of a 20 minute drive to a show, many of us travel hours to get to them. The average for my friends and I is about 4 hours every show.

If you want a festival in NY, fine, great. I think there is already one or two? Didn't MEV post some pics from some little fest? If you want something better, go organize it, don't ask for PP to be moved because it's pretty much the best the Southeast has. I'm not asking for sympathy for the southeasts situation, but take that all into consideration next time you think you have it bad or something because ProgPower isn't in your city. Remember that you have just about everything else anyways.

And for anyone who says to me 'Well it's your choice to live where you do' or 'You should just move', I say up yours and/or send me money so I can move. So go cry to your mom's that progpower is in atlanta, I say...in your face bitches!
savabich2 said:
Glen- We need a good festival in NYC!!
Don't talk to Glenn. Talk to Christina/Stardust. :) She put one on a few years back featuring October Thorns, and I think it went well if I remember the feedback correctly. It really needs to have a local organizer who knows the clubs and has connections with local sponsors to provide equipment. Other than that, all that is necessary is a willingness to lose money until you learn how not to lose money.

If you miss Powermad, you could just rent a high school gym for a Battle of the Bands and call it a festival. :lol:
Glenn originally tried to relocate PPUSA from Chicago (well, Lansing :)) to Philly, or NYC, or Chicago.....and none of the "good" venues would give him the time of day. ("Good venues" means something about the size of Center Stage, but with easy access to mass transit, hotels nearby, etc.) They'd say "We don't book any shows that far out," or "We don't book multiple-day events like that," or "Uh, who the hell are you?"

His sights turned to Atlanta, and a few venues were considered here, but Earthlink Live (now renamed Center stage Atlanta...again) was the clear winner. I put Glenn in touch with my then-roommate Tim, who knows most of the venue owners and booking agents in Atlanta. Tim convinced the ELL folks that Glenn was "the real deal," and the rest is history. :headbang:

NYC really -is- an expensive place to put on a show. Union halls are pricier to rent, hotels are more expensive (yes, even higher than the Residence :)).....
I realize the original post was probably tongue-in-cheek, but there are lots of good reasons why Glenn settled for a city and a venue that happened to be in his own backyard.
Mosquito said:
A good festival in NYC? HA..screw you!

I will expound upon this further later (assuming I can re-edit this post), but I have to go to class right now. =\


Why? Just cause you happen to live in a place that barely get any shows, and that makes you extremely jealous of the NYC area people that get all of the best tours around (minus the last Evergrey/Nevermore one?)

If that's the reason, then the only thing I have to tell you is: whatever.
AngraRULES said:
Not a valid reason to say no to a fest in NYC, in my opinion.

Agreed. Even though NYC does get most tours rolling through there, Progpower USA has had a good handful of really good bands that did not hit NYC in the same year, occasion, etc.

I, personally, am still kinda ticked that NYC gets all of these good tours, when down here in ATL they're few and far between.
sinerchris said:
Agreed. Even though NYC does get most tours rolling through there, Progpower USA has had a good handful of really good bands that did not hit NYC in the same year, occasion, etc.

Thank you.

sinerchris said:
I, personally, am still kinda ticked that NYC gets all of these good tours, when down here in ATL they're few and far between.

I can understand that. However, you have to admit that NYC is one of the major markets for metal in the USA (as far I know, I might be wrong though), as opposed to Atlanta or, some place in South Carolina or Kansas. You can't really compare NY to places like those. How big is the "scene" in the Atlanta area?
New York City % white = 45%
Atlanta % white = 33%

Of course this isn't the only thing that is important. NYC also has better public transportation options to venues.

Atlanta also gets a lot of shows. More than most cities other than NYC and VA. (sure sometimes just the West coast gets hit).

The Atlanta is fairly solid, though seems to focus on metalcore styles. However, progressive/power seems to be turning up more. Some of the best Atlanta local bands are power. I think we have a good metal following, and the shows typically are well supported by people.
Haha, you can always find sponsors local to NYC who are willing to put up bands in their houses/apartments. :D

(Not me though, thanks)