Do you think this sungglasses fits good with my type of face ?
If they don't please recommend me new models
If they don't please recommend me new models
Do you think this sungglasses fits good with my type of face ?
If they don't please recommend me new models
i could photoshop them in your face later ^^
Why don't you ask your dad then?
sweet! Aviators! My one friend has the same shape of face as you... they look cool on him... they will look cool on u too
couldn't you find a bigger picture?Do you think this sungglasses fits good with my type of face ?
If they don't please recommend me new models
the sticker looks kinda lame... don't forget to remove it next time XD
No, in South America it's opposite seasons, remember ??Dude its winter
haha, I think that is going to be a new look.
Here, with the chavs, it's a look to keep your clothes price tags on them since it gives the look of being 'stolen' or some shite like that!
mexico isn't south america, yank. Besides, it's southern hemisphere, ffs!
@ yankmexico isn't south america, yank. Besides, it's southern hemisphere, ffs!