I want to smoke Salvia Divornum.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
Who has done it? I heard that it is pretty hard to smoke it and really get tripping. Well, here I just want to know who has done it and how they did it, and how hard they were tripping. :)
I tried salvia once, and never again. It was in a car at night, and every time I saw headlights coming I was freaking out. Though, I hear one is suppose to stay in a dark room.
Salvia is by far the most bizzare drug I have ever taken. It will absolutely destroy your concept of reality (while you're on it - about 5 minutes) and send you to a different dimensionl. It's incredibly difficult to describe and definitely was not my favorite experience but it definitely wasn't bad. One of my friends had an absolutely escstatic experience with it. It is possible to have a bad trip though, so make sure you're in a very calm environment with some possible light music playing. You should also have someone with you to be a sitter. It only lasts a few minutes though; I was absolutely sober after 20 minutes to a half hour.
I've tried it once as well and judging by what everyone else who's tried it has said, my experience seemed to be a bit less dramatic. I did it with a friend and we just packed a bowl with it. Took as big a hit as we could... held it in as long as we could, and then did it again. Right after that second hit, I was definitely feeling unsober and 5 minutes later I was very high. I didn't get any of the hallucinogenic qualities that everyone else speaks of, but I did feel like I was a 1,000 times more stoned than I'd ever been. Everything was aboslutely hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing. At one point, my friend who was sitting right in front of me (where were sitting indian-style together) took a drink from his water bottle, and it was very funny to me, so I laughed as he was in mid-drink which in turn caused him to laugh too, all the while spraying water ALL OVER ME! And I just laaauuuuughed!

Another interesting fact of this experience... my friend has a couple cats (we were at his house) and one of them is very antisocial around people it doesn't know. Well, I'd spent the last 2 years over at this friend's house a couple times a week and that cat never got used to me, no matter how nice I tried to be to it. When we were finished with the salvia, and were fully enjoying the effects, that cat came down for a visit. I noticed it and walked towards it. It just skimpered away rather than fully running away like it always had before. Anyways, long story short, under the influence of Salvia I followed the cat all the way upstairs where it finally turned around, walked towards me and let me pet it. After a few minutes, I picked her up and brought her back downstairs. She was purring in my arms and actually seemed happy. My friend was very surprised when I came back down with that cat in my arms haha.

Salvia wasn't bad for me at all and given the opportunity and proper environment, I'd probably do it again. It is pretty harsh to smoke, but it's not unbearable. A trip-sitter is definitely recommended, but at the very least I'd suggest at least doing it with someone who's done it before, especially if you've never done psychadelic drugs before.

Good times!
And my friend thought he was a water faucet one time. That is insane. A friend of his thought that he was actually a window. That's real fucked up shit but it doesn't sound like you guys had stuff like this.
Salvia is legal, but I bet those mushrooms aren't the mushrooms you're hoping they are.

You can easily purchase Salvia online.
ah, i really don't want to have to order anything online for various reasons (one being I can be sent back to the US for drug possession) There are a lot of Head Shops around here, so I should look there, I guess
Ahh I didn't realize you weren't already in America. Maybe those mushrooms ARE legal over there?!
Salviaaaaa...oh man

I don't even want to recall my trip. The first few times I had a blast, I never laughed so hard in my life, very very minor visuals. I smoked the leafs, so the high was very faint.

However I got my hands on 5x, had a blast. Tried 10x and took insane hits and I was completely out of my fucking mind.

Needless to say, I'll never fucking touch it again. Ever.
Yeah, I live here in Germany for a year

Same here. :)

Yeah, but where they sell the mushrooms, there is even a chart on the wall that shows which you can pick for which effects, such as seeing more things with this mushrooms, and thinking more deeply with this mushroom...they're real.