I want to smoke Salvia Divornum.

If no one posted how to smoke it: pack a decent bowl and try to smoke it all in one hit. Then hold that in for 20-30 seconds. If you're able smoke the rest, do so. It has to be held in long to work well.

Out of curiousity: what extract are you trying?

I tried 20x my first time which was very intense, but then tried 30x and it was ridiculous.

I saw 20x extract today for fucking €44 which is a shit load of money for just a gram. I didn't buy it but got shrooms instead. What bowl are you using? I don't have a bong.

It's Salvia Divinorum, btw.
I have never smoked it, smelling and tasting Sage, is as far as i go with this plant!
I use Sage for it's esoteric values, it cleanses on many levels and i like to cook with it, too.
Sage is such a wonderful plant!
I saw 20x extract today for fucking €44 which is a shit load of money for just a gram. I didn't buy it but got shrooms instead. What bowl are you using? I don't have a bong.

Yeah that is really expensive. My friend got me some for cheaper. You can probably order it online somewhere for cheaper. I've always used a bong for it, which I think is the best way, but everything else applies that I said when using a bowl.
I was in a hotel room with my friend, and suddenly i didn't remember anything and i was laughing my ass off for no reason at all, then i was like... "who the fuck is this person in here with me?" "Aren't I supposed to be at home?" and then, since i was sitting crossed legged on the hotel bed, i thought the covers wre part of my legs and couldn't figure out out how to get off and walk...

But slowly it all came back to me..
I smoked salvia when I was drunk and it was the most intense experience of my life. It was about the 4th time I tripped off of it so I thought I was ready, nope, being drunk made it like waking up from the Matrix or something, all of reality lifted up away from me, stuck to the bottom of a universe-sized elephants foot, I looked around to see elephant legs standing like pillars endlessly in the blank whiteness of the behind reality, each standing atop another universe, and I realized that the elephant foot that had moved and allowed me to see all this had probably made a mistake. Then I began to feel myself being hit\pushed by the universe because I was no longer in the correct space I was supposed to be, kind of like in a picture book how you flip the pages to make it move, I was not where the drawing of myself was but in a 4 dimensional instead of 2 dimensional since, so after I got pushed all the the way to the end of the behind-universe/reality 4d reel I jumped off to end up in a small corner stair case atop a cliff of white and I looked around at the pure whiteness that was everything and then my trip started fading.

But yeah, I can imagine very large things now, in that trip I saw the ENTIRE universe (well to the maximum extent your mind can imagine it) go up from me, it was like waking up from the matrix, glad my friends were there to keep me from freaking out
Hmm, I am contemplating trying salvia the next time the opportunity arises... I've done acid and had both wonderful and horrible experiences, so I'll have to see where this one lands me.

So it seems the trend is to have a sitter, make sure you're in a relatively calm and less-light atmosphere?
Pay attention to set and setting and have a trusted sitter. don't obsess over it because you will psyche yourself out too much!
yeah, I did it once in my room, complete dark alone and it didn't really as much, but I think that was because of the light, but when I closed my eyes it was kind of like speeding through Vegas at 200 mph if all the neon signs were neon unicorns instead
I've smoked salvia and it is a fucking WASTE. Don't do it, not worth the money. You feel a high for maybe a few minutes, if that. If you want to trip, lsd and mushrooms (I don't advise this one though) is where it is at.