I Was Attacked By Fruit Today!


Feb 1, 2002
I was at Gandalf's house (that's where I still am now), and he said "it's time for fruit attack". I was like "What the hell?" And he walks into the kitchen and comes back with 2 bags full of apples, and starts tossing them one by one to me. I'm like "holy crap what the hell?" and I was catching them and piling them on my lap. He runs out of apples, and I'm utterly confused and laughing my ass off, and I roll the chair that I'm sitting on with the apples on my lap to the kitchen and he comes out holding a big ass bucket full of TOMATOES. And he starts tossing them one by one, then he did 3 at a time and we're laughing our asses off. Then he puts the tomatoes down, runs back, and pulls out a WATERMELON and tosses it at me.

Then to top it off he sings a Seal song in baratone...SO FUCKING HILARIOUS.