I was killed by a squirrel - The Dream Thread


Active Member
Jun 16, 2016
Figured we could use a thread where we could spam our retarded dreams.

Today I was trapped in a room that was about to be oblitarated by a giant laser beam that ereases everything. Was pretty terryfying, ended up being without half of my body and head, but my biggest concern was that I lost sight in my right eye. Probably because it wasnt there anymore.

But somehow I got regenerated and ended up in another room. This time the laser was smaller, so I hide behind some statue near the fence (the fence was protecting us from falling into oblivion), but suddenly I feel 11/10 pain in the back, some random dude is schorching my entire back with flamethrower because "I watch Supernatural", then destroys the fence and pushes me. I got stuck on a rope and this dude promises to pull me back in If i subscribe to a website streaming some gay anime. I agree and send the payment.

Thankfuly I didnt have to watch this anime because I woke up. And now my back hurts.