I will strangle anyone who gets Anathema to play a "Single Album" set...

The more I listen to this group, the more I appreciate the entire catalog of their work. While any album in it's entirety would be special, it would invariably lead to a lot of excellent material being left off the stage.

Glen--I cannot thank you enough for booking this group. Even the stuff they did before the current sound stands as total kickass material. I am listening to "Alternative 4" right now (the whole album is on Youtube), with the old school Pink Floyd/Tool combination of lyrics and melody that blend perfectly, the chord changes and the anger...simple yet frightening in places...just awesome...awesome.
"Come on and twist that knife again
Well I'd like to see you fucking try
Never going back again

An answer won't come from me
Confront your own worst enemy
What does your mirror see
Is it time to face up to me?"

Basically, there is NO WAY to capture this group in totality by having them do a single album...I think there might not be a way to capture this group in totality by having them play a 3 hour set...

Never has a single group had this kind of affect on me so quickly, with the possible exception of Everygrey...and I have YOU to thank for that, dear sir!

So please...let them do their thing...for as long as they want...but NOT a single album!

For the rest of the readers...go to youtube and look these guys up...and buy the damn albums if you can. You will NOT be disappointed!

Personally, I celebrate their entire catalog
This is how I felt, and why I was so upset when Visions was announced to be performed in entirety. What do you know, I still had a fucking blast. :D
I agree! Ideally, I'd like to see their set split about 50-50 between new and old stuff, though I'm not expecting it to be that even. That's okay- any Anathema is special. I made a great choice buying my ticket yesterday... Can't wait!
Their set lists tend to be very, very heavy on the recent stuff, which is understandable—they're a very different band now than they were prior to We're Here Because We're Here. They've also had that wacky keyboard/drum role swap recently, so I doubt they can just drop, say, "A Dying Wish" into the set at a moment's notice anymore.
One Last Goodbye & Flying are the two I'd most like to see from the pre-WHBWH era. Which is nice, because those are two of their more-frequent choices.
The more I listen to this group, the more I appreciate the entire catalog of their work. While any album in it's entirety would be special, it would invariably lead to a lot of excellent material being left off the stage.

Glen--I cannot thank you enough for booking this group. Even the stuff they did before the current sound stands as total kickass material. I am listening to "Alternative 4" right now (the whole album is on Youtube), with the old school Pink Floyd/Tool combination of lyrics and melody that blend perfectly, the chord changes and the anger...simple yet frightening in places...just awesome...awesome.
"Come on and twist that knife again
Well I'd like to see you fucking try
Never going back again

An answer won't come from me
Confront your own worst enemy
What does your mirror see
Is it time to face up to me?"

Basically, there is NO WAY to capture this group in totality by having them do a single album...I think there might not be a way to capture this group in totality by having them play a 3 hour set...

Never has a single group had this kind of affect on me so quickly, with the possible exception of Everygrey...and I have YOU to thank for that, dear sir!

So please...let them do their thing...for as long as they want...but NOT a single album!

For the rest of the readers...go to youtube and look these guys up...and buy the damn albums if you can. You will NOT be disappointed!

Get Eternity ASAP