i wish i had my digital camera at work...

wait? where?
i also need a digital cam. i need u guys to see how UGLY the fucking carpeting is in this office. it's dizzying and mind altering.
xfer, my god. if that were the case i'd have to kill you. good thing you're joking.

deadair, i will look for it.
deadair she is so so so so so cute. there are only two cute little kids in the world and she is one of them.

xfer, if it's the coke/rabbit ears one, where the f is my camera?
fat? you're super-skinny, except for the 100100101 x a bejillion cookies makes your stomach poke out.

between your skin tone and, um, the puking, i think you look like you have all sorts of diseases.
yea seriously. i wish someone would have funded a webcam live stream of freddy terrorizing the apartment while i am at work.