i wish my favorite coworker didn't just quit

greg: that's a good idea. i will probably die from complications of anorexia before that i'm afraid.

alex: i might consider it. but they're mostly funny when you know her.
toby: yes :( my cool boss didn't officially quit, she just told me she would be leaving in a few months to give me advance notice before everyone else knew.
the coworker that quit today only gave 2 weeks notice max. she's not my boss she's just my pal.
yea i knew this would happen when they altered the structure of my department! i expected it but i figured it would take longer for people to completely take off :/
when my brother in law was in elementary school he had no friends and he used to just kick a rock around the playground with a sad face.

i'll be kicking the rock soon too.
my nice supervisor just gave me a bag of snacks and a soda and a note inside that said 'if you quit before i do i will stab myself to death with your office scissors. xoxo Debra'

office cartoons!

one day we were in a staff meeting and we saw casey the web guy doodling on his pad of paper....he's a pretty good cartoonist, and we were bored, so:

Ward: hey...what do you think Casey's drawing a picture of?
Me: I dunno....probably a picture of Gary (the database guy) with a schlong in his mouth...
Ward: haha!

and after the meeting we went up to casey and asked to see the drawing...it was of Gary with a rather large penis in his mouth!!

I am prescient!!
haha. i like that my boss is all into stabbing-depicting cartoons now b/c i am always threatening to stab people in the mouth.
alex that's mean tar is my bff.

also: i wouldn't let furry animals get hurt dammit.

also, tar... can you meet me for lunch today i'll be lonely.