I woke up this morning...

Does the board seems dead?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 33.3%

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  • Poll closed .
You bastards, why are you being reasonable? I want my fight to the death, dammit. Where's Misanthrope when you need him?

Maybe DT's next album will have to be a power metal concept album about our move to this promised land instead. Sounds boring to me, moderatorial power is much more dynamic.
You're too polite rahvin you dont have to explain yourself to those ungrateful pieces of shit, and personally you know that if you pack up your shit and leave i walk out too. In fact i see no other reason for you to even stick around and put up with this shit, other than you're being too nice.
Life!...it has Life! And....meaning?

This is where a forum is truly working in at least my opinon. When people disagree and in the heat of things don't type quite what they meant and that leads to more heated discussion and then everyone clarifies and all is well and we all get a little more insight to what someone 'could' be like.

I for one know all of you very little, and I would thouroughly enjoy learning the things that people want to show me, regardless of truth or not.

A true moderator will go the extra mile and stand their ground and Rahv has shown that today, not only in the proof of 'care' but also in the fact that the job has its pitfalls and tough times but he is willing to stick it out because he truly loves the band. I think that for a truly excellent mod to leave iis a horrible thing because they are an important part to a forum. Not only from a technical and referee stand point but also in setting the tone and overall enjoyment of the board. They do more than what we see or even read of.

Ultimately everyone needs to step back once in a while and look at what is really going on. Take a deep breath and ask them seklves what is truly un-folding, and also reminf themselves that this is only a virtual reality. None of this 'stuff' that happens will affect our lives, but if dethrone a mod the that can have compiunded reppercussions not only for the forum but that PERSON who was mod as well.

Bring on the long posts...Think people, think...put feeling and intellect into it!
rahvin said:
yet i don't think i'm unfit to be the moderator, and - forgive me - i do resent a little bit that i was "provoked" into putting my role to question today. i think it was a little insensitive, considering what you know about me.
Im sorry I said that, it was way out of line. But you see, I felt treated just as unfairly as you by your comment and so did KC and Rusty. I didnt want to seem ungrateful and I didnt even know about all the PMs you had to answer with bandrelated questions and all that.
Again, I think you're a good moderator, despite our differences of opinion about Mis. I hope you dont hold any serious grduge against me now :(
I didn't feel treated unfairly, I was just trying to explain your point/s to Kov, but being slow about it. I actually tended to agree with Rahvin; while I once didn't mind the "nothing"-posts and the repetitiveness, now it's just not for me most of the time. Note: I'm also not saying that people should do this or not do that, merely saying where my tastes/interests/whatever lie.

I'm still holding onto the hope that any grudges can be solved with some good old-fashioned keyboard-fencing. Please don't rule this out altogether.
rahvin said:
li don't even blame online boards for disappointing me or not being up to my oh-so-1337 standards.

i seriously wondered for more than one second why the year 1337 should be such a beacon of light - just as i was about to google it to find what crucial event happened back then, i realized i'm totally stupid. :lol:

this aside, my points.

1: i fully support rahvin as moderator. do not worry about the email tho. nobody can't really do much for my father, and you're not to blame for his condition. shit happens, thanks for trying. i know you have human limits, i have too.

2: thanks taliesin, siren and the others for supporting my views.

3: i'm not renouncing my views on civility because someone else says that it's a pre-built set of useless rules. misanthrope claimed it now, but a lot of people - including one of my closest friends - claim it to my face every now and then. i think that, while the rules of civility might be variable across cultures and periods, agreeing to abide by exterior guidelines that are meant to show respect has the fundamental content of expressing one's intention to show respect. i'm not going to waste any more time on this very basic philosophical concept, it's easy enough for everyone to grasp.

4: i really, really love the pope, but that's besides the point. :Spin:
Taliesin said:
I hope you dont hold any serious grduge against me now :(

Don't worry, doing that would be way out of his character.

If nothing else, I found this thread to be quite entertaining. And frankly speaking, entertainment is the thing I search for on the internet-forums. Much like Rahvin, I've lost my interest for thorough and informative discussions, due to the very fact that those kind of discussions "work" better in real life, face-to-face. But I have a very good reason to be around here when I can, as I still tend to get plenty of entertainment out from this forum and others of its kind - all that meaningless and redundant blabber still makes me (unlike Rahvin, I believe) feel entertained.

And no matter how much I detest Misanthrope's personal attacks and style of language, I nevertheless do find him extremely entertaining at times. Plus, he oftentimes truly impresses me with his sharp perception and analysis of things. To make a crappy anime-comparison: he is like some obscure hentai-movie, disgusting, vulgar and against all the ideals I hold (in real life), but simultaneously strangely compelling and interesting, and at his best incredibly observant of human behaviour, seeing past the boundaries the society has set for itself - and forcing us to look past them as well.

Not to mention that he causes the best flame-wars I know. Actually, I'm pretty sure this forum won't die as long as Misanthrope is around.

1: i fully support rahvin as moderator.
As I think we all do...

... seriously now, I never even hinted at not wanting him to be moderator... nobody is following up any antirahv comments made and thus y'all gotta drop this before it starts looking like this was more than just one uninformed comment, which has been absolutely renounced anyway. I never even meant any offense Damnit :( and the whole time through out this thing I've been tiptoeing around my words. Sometimes I wish people were more pedantic.

EDIT: @villain - I couldn't agree more with everything you said (except for the loseing interest thing. I still get quite a bit out of this place.)
King Chaos said:
I never even hinted at not wanting him to be moderator
I was the only one who did and I already put it in its context, I just referred to your posts a few times.

I think it's time we left it behind us :)
The circle of comunal hypocrisy and bullshit continues, suddenly you're all rahvin's best friend. This is really pathetic, poor metal bands are always destined to get the most moronic and retarded fans.
And in a really twisted moment, I could imagine Mis sitting at his computer, a smile on his face and a single tear running down his face, mouthing 'I love you too, D_J'.

Then I started laughing hysterically and decided to type it here.

And to Talesin and Gav - My post wasn't intended to accuse, merely to ask for a clarification. I think things became a little clearer after that for me.

And I was going to post my feelings on Mis again, but Villain beat me to the sharp analysis of his role here. Good explanation.

Misanthrope said:
The circle of comunal hypocrisy and bullshit continues, suddenly you're all rahvin's best friend. This is really pathetic, poor metal bands are always destined to get the most moronic and retarded fans.
Again you're mistaking politeness for hypocrisy and avoiding unnecessary bloodshed for stupidity.
You're still not impressing me
Look, Missy is almost gagging for a nice pitched battle with someone. Come on, I won't be complete without this. DJ gets to be complete, who will complete me? The next album is going to be crap at this rate, full of lovey-dovey sentiment and hugs and flower-pressing. :(

EDIT: How the hell did it take me more than 2 minutes to write that out to let Taliesin post before me? I give up.
Misanthrope said:
The circle of comunal hypocrisy and bullshit continues, suddenly you're all rahvin's best friend.

i've been rahvin's best friend since 1992. as stated elsewhere, i'm not a bandwagon jumper.
Misanthrope said:
The circle of comunal hypocrisy and bullshit continues, suddenly you're all rahvin's best friend.

So what you saying now missy is that that people can't solve arguments without it being by definition 'A circle of comunal hypocrisy and bullshit'?
I think peoples reasoning for A) questioning each others statements and B) reconciling (in some abstractish form) were completely valid, and subsided with no bloodshed (of course I mean this in the metaphysical sense) for all I can see (although, I grant you, I'm on the net and all I can literally see is words, but there is a small chance Rusty is crying like a baby cos he didn't get to see his war for power).

I can tell you're enjoying this Mis... but it's been a long day. All I ask you, as a favour (Although you clearly owe me none), is that you either stop pluralising your indirect abuse, or you actually use names... cos I don't know if your still talking to me or not... and if you are talking to me - Then fuck you and learn to read you crap sack. Everyone talks about how you're awesome at analysis, yet you can't even see what I've been saying through out this discussion. You'd notice when declaring sides I was actually with you and rahv except for when I questioned the statement Rahv made, which at the time disappointed me, and to an extent still does even though it has been verified and Rahv's feelings towards the board should clearly not prohibit my perceptions and purpose here in anyway. So suck mine you pretentious Buneal loving Lynch fucking Jizzum disguised as a pseudo intellectual. I see, 'tis fun.

King Chaos said:
(although, I grant you, I'm on the net and all I can literally see is words, but there is a small chance Rusty is crying like a baby cos he didn't get to see his war for power).
Hey, it's the unmade music I'm crying for.
Taliesin said:
I think was only refering to me. Say, are you a little paranoid sometimes Gav? ;)

Like I said, he was pluralising his responses, and it was only me and you that commented on Rahv's attitude in that post. so :confused: ???

But Yes... I'm A little paranoid, all the time, in a big way... and I do enjoy this arguing thing quite a bit so Im not butting out just yet.