I wonder when 9/11 will become like Memorial Day and Veterans Day...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I'm gonna say 10 more years. 15 max.

Eventually, 9/11 will be nothing more than yet another day we sit around in some dudes backyard and eat hot dogs.

Look at Memorial day for example, that day is supposed to be about remember the american war dead... you know, those dudes who were shot in the head, dismembered by explosions, tortured, or got something REAL nasty from that hooker in Ho Chi Minh. Sure a few people stick out some flags, but most? In that back yard, drunk, eating hot dogs.

And even veterans day, the ones still alive. We eat hot dogs, get drunk, and sit in our backyards while the veteran dude missing an arm is begging for change by the bus stop.

I love it, and I hope 9/11 becomes one. I can't wait for the future days off. Unless those assholes decide that 2 holidays in a week is too much. If that ends up the case... Fuck off, labor day. I prefer my hot dogs and beer over the dusted bones and burnt flesh of those killed in a couple towers, not the blood and sweat of the American worker.
Who's waiting? I actually went to the dollar store today and bought some hot dog containers resembling the classic ones from the old 30's theaters just for this particular occasion. I didn't get beer though, because I gotta finish some wine and vodka left in the fridge downstairs beforehand or else no one else will. Cheers, Eric!
I'll be drinking beer and playing golf... Not that it's any different than any other day off I have.


It was a patriotic statement that went a bit too far afield: an attempt to create the "ultimate picnic burger." Called the Fourth of July Burger, it was tested last summer at seven locations by the West Coast fast-food chain Carl's Jr. and consisted of a huge beef patty topped with pickles, ketchup, mustard, potato chips, and a hot dog. Stacked high and loaded with fat and calories, it was the food equivalent of the national anthem played through a sousaphone, a perfect distillation of a peculiarly American form of balls-out, postmodern gluttony that, at least outwardly, we're all supposed to be ashamed of right now.
It actually failed... no one liked the idea of a wiener and potato chips ON the hamburger.
Look at Memorial day for example, that day is supposed to be about remember the american war dead... you know, those dudes who were shot in the head, dismembered by explosions, tortured, or got something REAL nasty from that hooker in Ho Chi Minh. Sure a few people stick out some flags, but most? In that back yard, drunk, eating hot dogs.

And even veterans day, the ones still alive. We eat hot dogs, get drunk, and sit in our backyards while the veteran dude missing an arm is begging for change by the bus stop.
i seriously love the perspective you have on this, and agree with you completely

... and i just know i'll get my ass kicked for mentioning things like that around some grizzled toothless contractor and his morbidly obese wife in a NASCAR t-shirt at work later today.
I love fucking with my old military colleagues, at least the ones who are Republicans and love to say shit like "fight for your freedom" or "die for your freedom".

I always tell them, "Hey man, I'm feeling a little low on freedom today, could you go fight for some on your way back from work today?" It's funny because they can't really say anything...they can't say I don't understand what it's like because I've been in the military and served with them downrange. They're completely baffled by my making fun of them.

They get really quiet when I tell them that the only people who have taken away any of our freedoms was our Commander-in-Chief and his cabinet from the Bush Administration. You can smell the smoke and hear the gears grinding, but usually there's the Pavlovian response of, "But, but...freedom!". Then I laugh. A lot.

On a serious note, I really, REALLY despise these catch-phrases like "fight for our freedom". Usually, however, it's not the military saying bullshit like that unless they're retarded Republicans. It's usually the armchair generals sitting at home with their Schlitz malt liquor watching it on Fox News, as if they'd even know where the Middle East is. Every time I hear that I always confront the person and let them know that it's best to stop saying that bullshit because it's insulting to us. The military by now knows they're not there to bring peace to Iraq or Afghanistan, nor are they fighting for anyone's freedom, and that they're just trying to get out of there as soon as possible to get back to some normal semblance of foreign policy. It's always been insulting to our intelligence that they think we'd buy into that bullshit, so it pisses me off whenever I hear people mouth off that garbage about us fighting for their freedom or how we're "heroes" or some such bullshit.

They just don't understand that veterans don't want to be called heroes and put up on some fake pedestal; they want a roof over their heads and decent health care when they get out of the service, and that's all. Trying to appeal to our vanity is just insulting.

Yeah, he was actually a terrorist who cared little for the common man or his freedom, but rather for the continued status quo for the wealthy Scottish elite.
People are well entitled to their imagined history. Every nation has a hand in doing it, and this is no different.

The great tragedy is that the majority of Scots who have seen Braveheart consider it to have a reasonable historical basis. It's often been blamed for the excessive anti-English sentiment apparent in the most recent generations of Scots, insomuch as it stirs anti-English feelings, many of them bordering on jingoism.

We have enough real reasons to dislike the English anyways, so we didn't need Mel Gibson-cardboard-cut out-patriotism.
Wasn't WW a drunk who was caught not in a trap, but in a drunken stupor in a tavern? Wow, Mel surely did stick to historical facts, didn't he?