"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Thoughts on first listen: unlike the artwork, it sound black/dark with green, and shades of violet and gray. Quite nice. Slightly boring, but good soundworld makes up for it.

After that comes intro of some other track.

It's what I expected, I have my in-built crystal ball. Exciting soundworld. Nothing annoying going on. Pretty catchy, too.

Second listen...
Lovely new track. Really nice and atmospheric keyboards throughout the song, especially during the verse. More of a mid-paced song, seems like Alexi is going for more of a mid-pitched screaming style (at least on this song). Should be another great album. Solo was just okay though, nothing special. If it would have been faster it would've been better IMO. Guess it fits with the pace of the song.

Intro for the next song sounded really fucking cool. Seems like they're going for a completely different sounding keyboard than usual, can't put my finger on it. The intro thing sounded reminiscent of something, don't know if it's another band or what. It's the 5:13-5:15 part that reminds me of some other band I think.
RRF meets FTR, all I hear is the lack of interesting ideas and a weaker solo.
I like it, has some interessting rhythm parts going on through the verse and chorus + good use of keys. Interlude sounds quite nice but I need to get used to the chorus 'melody'

Good song overall, quite satisfied.
RRF meets FTR, all I hear is the lack of interesting ideas and a weaker solo.

Sadly not as catchy as I would headbang trough my room, but still has promising parts. Remember, they came up first with Transference, which is imo just a mediocre song. Hope they still have something to hide until it's release. ;)
I love that the riff and melody is repeating a lot during the song, instead of being isolated to a short section, exactly what I wanted. It's good. Like a night in a pirate ship drinking rum and watching the stars. Maybe they even started making solos part of the song again, which would be great.

Damn the next song starts with a bang, if you have a good subwoofer. Wonder if this dynamic carries onto the album, the intro starts off so loud.

Sound is more atmospheric and like metal marbles wrapped in silk. Halo of Blood was sharp but too naked. Sorry, try to deal with these metaphors.

As long as the rest of the album maintains this level...

It's a 5 minute long track despite being medium-paced.
Why is it so quiet?

this too, the mix is very lightweight.

Transference I don't like even now, but it has killer intro, this one - I can't find a single really catchy melody so far.
Wow.... Simply wow.. Still listening to it and I think it's beyond all my expectations. Probably because they were lower; I thought they can't give us another awesome album like Halo of Blood; that'd be too perfect. But this song really make me happy that I preordered it... And the "intro" at the end makes me just die to hear this other song....

Children of Bodom... Hats down...

83 days left for the pure wonder..
this too, the mix is very lightweight.

Transference I don't like even now, but it has killer intro, this one - I can't find a single really catchy melody so far.

It could have a little bit more bass or deep sounds, hope the album version will be better.
It could have a little bit more bass or deep sounds, hope the album version will be better.

I think the bass is very prominent. It's very audible in the first verse. Only thing I find a bit weird in the song is the production. It feels weird in a way. Keys sound great, but guitars sound a bit weird. Not RRF bad (not even close), but not that crystal clear, HoB had fucking sick production.
Holy shit the song was shit. I usually am the fanboy to love all stuff this band churns out but this is one of the worst CoB songs I've heard. Seriously I didn't find anything good (few guitar bits were alright at best) in the song at first listen so I'm gonna give it another try.

Guitar tone could be better.
Also this, didn't like the tone one bit.
Here it is in better quality my pals
https://www.dropbox.com/s/k5vgiw484ju7zu1/Children Of Bodom - Morrigan.mp3?dl=0

Edit: Good song but nothing special. I expected more. Guitar tone could be better. Solo is nothing special. Atmosphere... well... Sounds like a HOB song

From the NB CD? But yeah! It has nice bass sounds.

Hear the chorus rhythm at https://youtu.be/7Ha8adzWPP4?t=2m56s
All I wanted it to be was https://youtu.be/d8F3t-F_grc?t=13s
a simpler yet nicely fit chord progression. On Morrigan he changes the tonic mid chorus again, DMHOY style.
Yay, I would here a song with this kind of choirs though.