"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Nah, dosen't grow on to me....even on high quality speakers.... actually Arcane might like this, with exception of the drop b shit. He always liked riff oriented chugging. This is definitivly one of those skip songs for me. Other than that the into and keys solo had potential, but didn't do it for me. Vocals are very very good, but I wont sacrifice melodies, leads and solos for better vocals, leave that to another band....
High quality speakers won't do much when the source itself isn't the greatest. HOB isn't the greatest of songs, but I remember not liking it when it came out on the radio and then it getting 1000 times better with CD quality. IWC most likely won't change like that, but it will hopefully be a bit better. But as I said, I hope it's the worst song on the album.
Hob was quite blackmetalish at points, and it didn't lack a guitar solo, fresh new and more pointed to Bodoms roots unlike this chugfest crap....
Hob was quite blackmetalish at points, and it didn't lack a guitar solo, fresh new and more pointed to Bodoms roots unlike this chugfest crap....

It also simultaneously was a great mix of all their previous albums. Every song is unique and has a killer solo in it. Bodom Blue Moon and Damaged Beyond Repair fucking slay. This? This is half hearted, stuck in mud Guitar tone trash. No consistent Melody. Theres like 3 Riffs in the entire song. Its beyond disappointing
I personally like the song, im not so fond about chorus though. Not so typical Bodom track, Alexi had courage to try something bit different. It is a bit repetitive, but still works for headbanging.
HoB's Guitars are in Standard D. So are FTR's. IWC is in Drop B. Im not a Guitarist, but by my estimated count that is 5 steps lower. Am I right or way off?

Drop C is D standard with Low D dropped two notes down. Drop B is Drop C with all strings dropped one note down. So Drop B is D standard with the 6th string dropped 3 notes down and the others 1 note down.
Wow. I don't really know what to say...
Definitely not the kind of music I was expecting from COB. And not in AYDY way.

Not sure about going to the gig right now...

BTW the mere fact that they are using drop B doesn't have to mean the album will be muddy;) Drop G here! :)
Wow. I don't really know what to say...
Definitely not the kind of music I was expecting from COB. And not in AYDY way.

Not sure about going to the gig right now...

BTW the mere fact that they are using drop B doesn't have to mean the album will be muddy;) Drop G here! :)

7 strings right? Diablo uses A standard tuning on 6 string guitars, which is by far the lowest I've ever heard of with 6 stringed guitars.