"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

The best Hypocrisy song is definitely "Eraser."

I got the new TBDM album and it is freakin' awesome. Best tracks are Re-Faced, Abysmal, and the Advent.

It and Symphony X's albums are my favorite this year so far.
I just checked out the song I Worship Chaos. Very disappointing and unmemorable. I mean, even old Bodom is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me now, but it seems Alexi lost his touch after Blooddrunk was released. I don't know what happened.
Do you guys think we get another "real" music video for another song before the release of the album?

I guess in 2 weeks or something there gonna be another song.
I know I became annoyingly pessimistic. It's just projecting out the feeling I got after anticipating and disappointing with IWC. Means I'll not be fooled again, holding breath and then punched in stomach... fuck I hated it when I came to read the comments here before listening to the song and everybody was telling it's their worst song ever... then I listened to it and it was as shocking as WIWI... my last hopes of another SNBN vanished.

Alexi was recording those riffs only this evening? I guess it's gonna come out right after the album. Why increase our pain?

To create anticipation they should release one song description (randomly, not numerically) in facebook per week, together with 10 second sample if they can't find words to describe it...

Why is this album labeled dark? There's that one dark riff in Morrigan that sends shivers across my skin. Maybe there's more, but the tendency to sound American is present and it's like a plague.

I want more samples, I'm excited and scared...

Yeah can't blame you for that reaction. I was the same way after I heard IWC. Here, most of us, were expecting them to build off of Halo with refreshing and new ideas and instead we first hear a slower song that meanders at parts. And then a half hearted, chunky, simple Riff fest. Its really disappointing. And I think has killed most peoples optimism for the album. Im now expecting it to be their worst. With maybe 5-6 songs I like.

It wouldn't make much sense to have the pictures only without a video. Especially because there hasn't even been a sample video yet. Which I can't even believe there hasn't considering the album is 5 weeks away.

Yeah from what we've heard, its not dark sounding. A Dark sound to me is like old Satyricon, Emperor, Burzum etc. Some sound that evokes a kind of atmosphere. Not Chunky Riffs.

Yeah I hear that. Im nervous as fuck
They have two songs without a guitar solo and also songs without a keyboard solo. Less sections in songs. I don't mind less sections if it's good, it would be like Hypocrisy. But if it's like RRF without technicality... no... wake me up from this nightmare. It if actually is dark like they say, I would be happy, but I don't believe it's gonna be dark.
Multiple songs with just one Solo is ridiculous. Thats part of their trademark. I don't need a ton of Solos all the time. But I doubt the Melodies and Keys are going to be elaborate or ethereal enough to carry the songs. Less Solos also means less songs with Solo Duels. Which is very sad

Also I don't get where everyone thinks RRF is a technical sounding album. A lot of the songs have very simple Riffs. IWC is seeming like its going to be a mix of RRF, BD and AYDY to me. With less solos...
I hurt is the sample from morrigan nuclear blast video.... And my bodom, well.... The albums going to suck based on the samples so far. I'm 80% sure, im going to sit this one out and buy it either used or when the price drops to a minimum just to have it in my collection.
Well, that "iHurt" gonna be the "hipster" song was quite obvious. So I'm not surprised of that breakdowns.

But still, My Bodom sounds awesome in my ears.
Nah, to my opinion half the album suck.... So it is going to be tops two good songs, I hope....
I Hurt sounds really sick. Like a very good mix of Heavy and Melodic parts. Can't really get a read on My Bodom. Morrigan might grow on me when listening to the album all the way through
I Hurt = sucks
My Bodom = could be cool. That lead part sounds promising

But I still think this album could be their worst. Not as worse as BD but close to

Agreed, would be hard to top Blooddrunks suckiness, but thus far it is just as bad.

Whats pisses me off the most is that I was getting into Bodom being good again after HOB and this album was in my head supposed to be a step even further in the right direction...., but nonono Bodom mixed RRF style atmosphere with Blooddrunk riffing and tone and we got pure earwomit!
Agreed, would be hard to top Blooddrunks suckiness, but thus far it is just as bad.

Whats pisses me off the most is that I was getting into Bodom being good again after HOB and this album was in my head supposed to be a step even further in the right direction...., but nonono Bodom mixed RRF style atmosphere with Blooddrunk riffing and tone and we got pure earwomit!

You gonna love this record i guess. :D

Let's wait till we hear it in good whatsoever quality.
I could say Morrigan sounds like the best song on the album and leave it at that. That says enough about what I think of the songs so far.

Seriously though:
That I Hurt sounds boring. They claim the chorus is catchy. Maybe it is, I do hear some melody in the background while they talk but don't pay too much attention to it. I just can't be bothered to put effort into it.

The My Bodom sample is similarly to IWC in that while it sounds like Bodom there is nothing I can identify with. Boring. Bland. Dull. Again the part in the background sounds a bit more diverse, so things could look up still.

And Morrigan, still a meh song that shouldn't have been longer than 3:30 but it's awesome compared to what I've heard so far.

These samples in combination with the little info we have give me no hope of improvement. In the back of my head I still hope it can be like Blooddrunk where I started liking the album more as time went on, but not holding my breath.
I Hurt sounds boring. Nothing interesting in it to me.

My Bodom sounds similar to the other stuff we've gotten so far. It has a almost epic melody almost going on in it. What the fuck do you mean? It sounds like it's missing something that, once added, could sound very epic. As it is it's just okay.

Morrigan is probably the best sample which is not good as Morrigan still falls short of Bodom's average IMO.