"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

That was my impression after watching track by track once. We will see how it will be with the full album.

I think a lot of Behemoth songs sound the same. What is your point? I like Behemoth, don't get me wrong, but a lot of songs from the same artist do sound the same, it is natural.
But regarding the song that is stated, yes they do got the same atmosphere and instrument sound, but not the same at all note wise nor arrangement. Yes the songs are heavy and mid to slow tempo, that is not necissarily a bad thing, the simplifiction of IWC is, but the melodies and leads in the other songs are definatly not bad, just not that exciting as the cult classics, but again that's to be expected as well...

I'm waiting for some more snippets and leaks in a week or so. Remember it is not that long till the album releases and media and some major retailers have the album in hand or will have in the coming two weeks (remember amazon clips, even WIMP and Spotify have such pre release stuff....)
I bet it wont be amazing, but not amazingly bad either, well with exception of the title track...
The two last tracks are supposed to be great... Then there's the Suicide Bomber, maybe it's the really fast song they mentioned? For sure there should be one very fast song on every Bodom album, one is minimum, it's an energetic requirement for a COB album. I want that ultra fast double bass with melodies slicing and blazing. It has to be intense.
The two last tracks are supposed to be great... Then there's the Suicide Bomber, maybe it's the really fast song they mentioned? For sure there should be one very fast song on every Bodom album, one is minimum, it's an energetic requirement for a COB album. I want that ultra fast double bass with melodies slicing and blazing. It has to be intense.

I thought Horns was supposed to be the fast one? But perhaps Suicide Bomber is as well? Im hoping one of either All For Nothing or Widdershins is an all out Melodic song. Like Bodom Blue Moon was. That would make this album 3 times better
Suicide Bomber is fast thrasher like Horns. All for Nothing is slow with melodic ending. Widdershins is supposed to be like their old stuff... but it's very hard to imagine with what we've heard so far in terms of style.
been a long time since we've had an epic last bodom track, hopefully widdershins delivers. 'one bottle and a knee deep' actually had some incredible parts in it but it was put together poorly.
Wowww. All For Nothing is a slow song as well. 3 slow songs on this album. Thats terrible. Hopefully the Melodic ending is great. And Widdershins is the one we all are dying for
Yeah. What's terrible is the mid-paced fucking "thrashers." Slow songs for Bodom are supposed to be legendary, cos that's where they should culminate the melody and feeling - the point is not just to be slow for the sake of being slow. Everytime I Die is the slow song they've been trying to beat since Angels Don't Kill. Silent Night is their best fast song and ETID their best slow song.
I don't think there is A best fast/slow song. Though ETID is really really over DMHOY imo. But it'd be hard to rank them. But for sure SNBN ISNT'T the best song. I've said it once, i'd say it a hundred times, but this is the worst song of their early discography. Still listenable but it's an UFO in Hatebreeder.

And regarding the new album. I also think it's not a problem to have different speed on all song. 3 slow, 3 medium and 4 fast would be nice as it wouldn't be boring to listen to but somehow surprising.
Some of Bodoms best songs are considerated slow, why is that abad thing?

I will agree that ETID, Angels, and Roundtrip are 3 of their best songs. However 3 slow songs on 1 album lessens the little possibilities there were of this album containing the classic Bodom dazzling Guitar and Key scales, melodies and arpegios. Im almost fully convinced the only times were going to hear stuff like that on IWC is during the solos
By the way ! I just found something exceptionnal ! I was certain they'd never played this song live but they did !!! They did it back in 1998 !!! :D It is so awesome... I don't know how they can not include it on their current setlist..


It's amazingly how much better Alexi used to be on guitar, broken bones and alcohol destroyed that for sure...
And the Nail wouldn't fit with their non neoclassical approach... really sad that the focus nowadays is to write semi progressive thrash riffs instead of killer leads and melodies....
Moreover than the disappointment this album is going to bring. Im really nervous on how songs from IWC are going to ruin future setlists. More old songs are going to be scratched.
Good that they never play in my town or in a 2000 kilometers radius around, I give absolutely no fucks about the live set-lists :kickass:
Moreover than the disappointment this album is going to bring. Im really nervous on how songs from IWC are going to ruin future setlists. More old songs are going to be scratched.

They will not play songs from this album if they're no good, just as they don't play songs off Blooddrunk and Relentless. I already know Morrigan isn't gonna be long on their setlist, if they ever play it. They will not play a single track from Halo, either, except maybe the title track. I think from this album the songs that will stay are maybe Widdershins and possibly Prayer. They will be playing the title track on the Lamb of God tour because it's clearly meant purposefully for Lamb of God fans' moshpits, as is the track Horns.
They do play 3-4 from each new album on the album's tour each time, and expect Morrigan to be played throughout this touring cycle.

I'm waiting for some more snippets and leaks in a week or so. Remember it is not that long till the album releases and media and some major retailers have the album in hand or will have in the coming two weeks (remember amazon clips, even WIMP and Spotify have such pre release stuff....)
I bet it wont be amazing, but not amazingly bad either, well with exception of the title track...

I think we'll be getting the music video next week or so and then the week before the release the last track by track (or opposite, but I kinda remember it going like that last time). Don't know about the snippets, but leaks are probably best forgotten until not earlier than a week before release.
They will not play songs from this album if they're no good, just as they don't play songs off Blooddrunk and Relentless. I already know Morrigan isn't gonna be long on their setlist, if they ever play it. They will not play a single track from Halo, either, except maybe the title track. I think from this album the songs that will stay are maybe Widdershins and possibly Prayer. They will be playing the title track on the Lamb of God tour because it's clearly meant purposefully for Lamb of God fans' moshpits, as is the track Horns.

True Jonas. They mostly keep the sets old school "centric". They won't play stuff that they know will fail live. And its actually ironically hilarious that most of the newer stuff is looked down upon by people in a Live setting. I can see them incorporating Prayer into the set if it gets a good receiving after the release. Their sets are predictable and are basically narrowed down to 25 songs that even live have possibilities. But still, more new songs (that suck) makes it a more populated bunch to choose from