"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

I like these 3 songs more than the previous ones.. but not always because it sounds great.

Suicide Bomber sounds solid. Nothing special, but fitting to the title. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of the song develops though, assuming this sample is the intro and first verse. (Again I'm not actively listening to the song in the background while they talk)

All For Nothing is WTF at it's purest. It's nice that they do something completely different, but they did that with DMHOY and that novelty wore of pretty quickly. But if the whispering is only in the first part, it'd be fine. Also it has a good atmosphere.

The first thing I thought when listening to the Widdershins sample was powerful. A really solid sample that I liked quite a lot. That breakdown at the end though, is absolutely awful. Excluding that part (which seems to last way too long) it could very well be the best track on the album.

From all the samples alone I think the album would have more misses than hits. But full songs could still change my opinion.
I really liked the songs, but to be honest, the ending of widdershins, well, I sounded the same when I played the guitar for the first time.
These three are my favorite so far. Suicide bomber is dark, and that melody toward the end of the clip sounds promising. All for nothing has got me really excited honestly I'm really interested to hear the rest. Widdershins sounds pretty badass too, the light keyboard you can hear during the main riff gives it a cool feel, but that ending isn't that great. Very glad that Morrigan and IWC didn't represent the rest of the album, music video in two weeks?? Not sure which song it could be.
Suicide bomber : Nice melody and atmosphere in the beggining (Hypocrisy influences again) but weird death metal verse riff. the end of the snip (may be chorus or prechorus?) sounds promissing.
All for nothing : nice dark viber over all, new for BODOM its a nice surprise IMO.
Widdershins : is a badass song. Old schoolish vibe ! Chorus is a la Bodom beach terror and Shovel knockout but the weird breakdown ruined the song.. a ending keyboard solo would be cool to close the album.
Quick takes:

Suicide Bomber: I really like the vibe, as much as Joonas has been talking about "atmosphere" and such, to me this is a great use of keys and a pretty dark riff. Also, even if this video is for nothing, they made it fit perfectly with the moon and the reaper.

All For Nothing: What the fuck? Dead Man's Hand On You was enough clean vocals/guitars experimenting as far as I'm concerned. I'll reserve judgement for the full song, but I'm not impressed at all, sounds bland.

Widdershins: YES! Cool riffing and melodies, and like what I hear in the background... but then... WHY THE FUCK THE STUPID BREAKDOWN?? Again like in I Hurt, fucking up a great song! Why the fuck? It's pointless! "Oh wait look how I lengthen my album by 30 seconds with absolutely nothing".

Its partly a good theory. That, plus the benefits of expanding their fanbase brings in more money. Which I believe is sadly whats fueling them nowadays. I don't completely buy in to the "Americanized" term or label though. Sure, for the most part the majority of American Metalheads prefer the Heavier sounds. But not all. To say Americanized is to suggest that all of us cant hear beyond the Chugs and "theres no hope for us". Its not true. I listen to the best Melodic Death and Power Metal bands I can find. And I hate all that sloppy Chugging crap. So I take offense to the term

About the sets. They know what people want to hear live. Its a more organic setting than listening to a studio album. And most of newer songs lack the passion to make up a powerful setlist. Some newer ones do however. But they've even removed some of those from the sets (Shovel Knockout) so we'll see what happens. I'll be pissed if they play IWC live instead of a classic

There is no such thing as "what the fans want to hear". As much as we might loathe it, there are tons of "fans" who think of COB as HCD/AYDY onwards, and want nothing to do with the first 3 masterpieces. Also in Europe. Then there's the "go back to neoclassicool you fags Alexi can't play anymore bring back Alexander he was the heart and soul of the band" retardedness club, who would love nothing more than a full SW/HB/FTR setlist, and then there's those who like all albums. Thus why they have to try and be as inclusive as they can and play from almost all the albums. And of course they are playing 3-4 from each new album like it or not, at least on the album presentation tour.

Wtf is this with All for nothing?!? Another slow song? Suicide Bomber and Widdershins sound cool. But now that I've heard all songs I can tell that all sound really repetitive. That album lacks of variety

I'd wait till we have the full tracks for that.
All for Nothing has been possibly my favorite so far although I don't necessarily like the vocals too much. In general these three sound perhaps a bit better than most of the earlier ones. Prayer was quite good also IIRC.
I like the whispered vocals on DMHOY a lot, so All For Nothing sounds pretty cool to me.

Suicide Bomber and Widdershins both also sound good, much better than IWC for sure.

The ending of Widdershins is kind of redundant, but you do definitely get that Def Leppard vibe when the lead line comes in.
the breakdown made me laugh, what the fuck was that? sounded like a five year old trying to play meshuggah
yeah I'm not totally against them, if it sounds as good as the end of domination by pantera, I do not have a problem with that.
But this just sounded awkward.
yeah I'm not totally against them, if it sounds as good as the end of domination by pantera, I do not have a problem with that.
But this just sounded awkward.

Yes, breakdown in Whiddershins is like what I play during taking a chug of beer with other hand :D
Widdershins is my favorite so far! it sound very Megaman to me (structure melodies key solo..)
I played it on a mute megaman playtrought video and if fit
I think I'm going to really dig this album. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that these songs just happened naturally instead of being forced out. Nice keyboard melody at the end of the suicide bomber preview.
Review from above^

Despite always playing second fiddle to born-showman Alexi Laiho, it’s interesting that the Finns’ first outing without him since Hate Crew Deathroll is a disappointingly pedestrian affair by their adrenaline-fuelled standards.

Opener I Hurt displays all the hallmarks of the Bodom sound, with chugging guitars, flashes of Janne Wirman’s opulent keyboards and a gang-vocal led chorus, before My Bodom (I Am The Only One) changes the dynamics with varied rhythms and some scintillating lead work from both Wirman and Laiho.

However, despite the odd stab of excitement, the majority of the album barely gets out of second gear, with the plodding Morrigan and Suicide Bomber passing by without so much as a sideways glance. Prayer For The Afflicted and All For Nothing’s brooding, epic melodies offer glimpses of the band at their peak. The crushing Widdershins and histrionic grandeur and percussive jolt of the title track stand high above the pack, while the standard Bodom fare of Hold Your Tongue is punctuated by some notable progressive segments. Though far from a poor effort, this is pretty standard from a band capable of so much more.
Why did he say the songs Morrigan and Suicide Bomber didn't even cause his eye to blink. I think those two sound the best together with Prayer.