"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

600th post by the way. I've posted over 300 posts during the last year compared to the previous 300 posts I took around 4 years to write. :D

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like to lose your shitty life to some shitty board at the very depths of the internet.
Why did he say the songs Morrigan and Suicide Bomber didn't even cause his eye to blink. I think those two sound the best together with Prayer.

Because, belive it or not, taste is a subjective thing, and music is (to a point) a matter of taste. Someone who likes AYDY better than SW isn't "mistaken" or "wrong", nor is it objectively worse, don't read into that. Just wait till you have the album in your hands.

He still comes about as having no clue about music though with what he writes, starting with the 1st sentence.
In these metal album reviews I always find a word or two of English I've never heard before and have to dig it up from dictionary. The guys writing them want to appear wise and specially educated by using terms no-one knows.
it's a bit repetitive. nothing really new we haven't heard already in previews. also no solos is going to really upset a lot of people. i like it though.