"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Bodom's facebook have like what 300 000 fans and none of them even realize this song is available. It fucking sucks that facebook took over forums.
I have no fucking clue where everybody is getting this "opening track is kickass" in reviews and so on. Can't be that they've all become deaf at once, but from what I've heard surely looks like it.

Standards have changed. In the past COB was a band on their way to the absolute top. They got high from the taste of divinity, got dizzy and fell. So far it seems they're trying to destroy themselves with this album after realizing they can't get back up. Some kind of over-risky subconscious self-harming maybe. I would've rather seen this approach with an atmospheric soundworld, but when it's combined with the Lamb of God sound they're selling their soul again and it's like... it's like watching someone burn, it looks exciting, but you know they're falling. Maybe it'll keep my hands warm for the winter, but after that it'll likely be forgotten.
Bodom's facebook have like what 300 000 fans and none of them even realize this song is available. It fucking sucks that facebook took over forums.

But think how shitty and bad to read this forum is, if there were 300.000 modern cob listerens pasting a lot of shit here. You would have to search 150 pages to find something real information of upcoming
I got it from Amazon.

Where the fuck is the solo? The power metal riff, chorus, and the part at 3 min are all pretty good but the rest is very uninspired. All in all it's a decent song, just doesn't live up to expectations.
I checked amazon every day cos they have the half minute samples a couple weeks in advance. Should come the rest soon, too. I think they might be in trouble for selling this song now, tho, not sure if they have permission. A new Bodom single should always be the eve of the messiah, but it appears no-one fucking cares anymore because their art is watered down. :( Or the band just counts on us again to do the marketing for them. I can't believe I still can't listen to the song. Besides, no-one ever uploaded the zombie CD.
Just listened to I Hurt. The intro riff is fucking bad ass as shit. The actual song is... well not a normal Bodom song. No orchestra hits, no solo, some of the vocals actually will probably be considered Alexi's worst here. Like worst than RRF.

EDIT: I really do like the keyboards though. The atmosphere is really good but that doesn't make the song good.

Somehow I doubt the atmosphere is good...

And if you're talking about the riff on the Amazon sample, it's okay, but there's no involvement in drums, keyboards, bass, rhythm... it's just about Alexi's guitar. I can only see Alexi's couch when listening to it.

Maybe in a few weeks I get to hear it, since no-one bothers to even upload it.
I think the approach they took is down to these reasons:

1) Alexi was tired
2) mainstream
3) no point making bad solos just cos they 'need' to exist
4) repeating only their better riffs instead of saving them for a short glimpse

The sound of this album is definitely not my favourite. Then again the soundworld is just to manipulate a couple songs to sound perfect on each album.

It's just too bad if both atmosphere AND technicality are gone.
Joonas why don't you reach into your pocket and spend 1 Euro for the band you love so much ;)

And I personally love the song - Think the production of the guitars on it is really good and has a lot of weird guitar stuff in the background to build tension 'n stuff.
I would, but I don't think I have a way to pay.

Is the shouting thing the chorus? With that slow riff? Or is it verse?

That's the Chorus - It sounds much better in the actual song, especially at the end with the double bass drumming.

Also the breakdown I thought was amazing - Kinda reminded of the breakdown in Transference
It's just too bad if both atmosphere AND technicality are gone.

Technically as in "complicated to play/intrincated" it is, or at least sounds like (haven't tuned my guitar down, not enough to motivate me to), yet that doesn't equate good. SNBN is not complicated at all (yes you need to know how to do sweep picking, and Janne said that the solo is challenging because of the repetition, but that's it) yet it's brilliant. Ditto for Hate Me! (solos excluded perhaps) and for most riffing in the early albums. Blooddrunk has some of the most technical riffing as far as complicated goes, yet is the most uninspired album as far as I'm concerned. All this is to say, screw what it has as long as the songs sound good... which in this case is unfortunately not the case.