"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

I don't like Blooddrunk or RRF either with exception of a couple of songs, but those few songs are still better than these 3 songs.
It isn't overly melodic as they uses to be and I don't get the "catchy" thing they say about their own songs. I think they are boring. Uninspiring! Lamb of God and definatly Megadeth has better recent songs than this. I am a huge thrash metal fan, but this is just so unoriginal in terms of the Thrash metal riffs, yet different for Bodom. I don't like riffs that doesn't fit, and most of this chugga riffs seems out of place. Alexi and Janne said they had a hard time putting some of the songs together arrangement wise, and it really shows.... It's a disaster in songwriting.....
From the previews I Hurt and IWC sounded like the weaker songs. I am most excited to hear Widdershins and My Bodom
Banned from Heaven itself has more guitar solos than IWC's first 3 tracks :Spin::Spin::Spin::Spin: And honestly Alexi hasn't really been compensating for it too well from what these first 3 have shown. Maybe he's writing songs with no solo's to play more songs with crazier solos? Wishful thinking I know.
Yeah, I stopped really caring about the solos since RRF, they weren't at the same level as before anymore, not even that disappointed there's not one in iHurt. Blooddrunk had some very good solos imo, from HoB - Bodom Blue Moon's second solo sounds like something Alexi would write in 1999, other ones are ok to meh.
You have to go back to 2004 to find an inspiring and original solo
Hey, don't forget the Ugly solo. This and the ETID solo are propably the best solos Alexi has ever written for COB.
Riffs was still cool, but originality and ideas where gone. Same for Kirk Hammet which used to be a good soloist...
Hammet is one of the most overrated guitarist I know. IMO his solos are boring. There's nothing melodic in it. Most of them is just guitar wankery...
I think Sleeping in my car's solo was pretty good and back to the roots, melodic with fast parts, but other than not too much...
Yep, SIMC solo is my favorite cover solo.

@ Jolly4Joker: Seems like you're the only one here who likes the new album so far. I've never seen a guy here who put the words I Worship Chaos + amazing in one content.
I actually dig the verse of this song, they have good vocals and the thrash riff has a badass split moment, some nice drum scenes, and I like how the pre-chorus starts after the "solo." Usually their strength is how catchy they start back up after solo. It's also interesting to have chorus instrumentally after intro. The chorus and pre-chorus aren't my favourite, but it's a different style of music.
@Arcane: I don't think I am the only one, I saw one or two comments who seemed as excited as me about this new album. But yeah sure, we're the minority here. But even though we're fewer than the disappointed ones, "together we stand tall, we're not gonna crash, we're not gonna fall" :D
+ Intro is okay
+ You can hear keyboard, I guess..

- Vocals are horrendous. This sounds awful. Especially the 'Let me go' part. You'd think the producer would say something..
- Drumming sounds dull and distracting, especially during the verses.
- No solo. Worse, no melody.

I definitely will not be seeing them live this autumn. I'm not paying €30 for at the very most 13 songs on the setlist I like (assuming they play 3/4 new songs) when we get this shit, Lamb of God and Sylosis (which are fine but not worth the money and travel time at all). It's sad that it came to this.
pre chorus is fantastic. i fully agree with joonas about the part where it comes in after the 'let me go' bit. this is a good song that would be made great by a juicy melodic solo.
I Hurt is such a filler track. It has this good intro, and that's it. Alexi and the crew literally had no ideas what to do after composing that intro riff, and you can hear it in the song obviously.

It will be a disgrace if they play this live.
The most dissapointing thing for i Hurt is, that there are two excellent parts for a solo. First is at 3:06 - after that bridge I don't understand why there's ANOTHER bridge coming in and no solo. Second part would be after the that whammy bar thing.
If they would skip that part from 3:06 - 3:38 and replace it with an awesome solo, that song would be really good. But NO! American Alexi gives a fuck...
^True, it kinda almost builds up for Alexi to rip open a killer solo, but they go straight back to the bland filler riff.

So far, I Hurt sounded like a disappointment in the Track by track and it has definitely been one, can't even bother to really comment on it, it's just so uninspired outside of the opening riff, but I'm still holding out hope for the tail end of the album, where (according to the track by track) some gold MIGHT be hidden. I do like the covers, but above all Mistress Of Tabboo, I don't particularly like Amorphis', but we'll see.
The most dissapointing thing for i Hurt is, that there are two excellent parts for a solo. First is at 3:06 - after that bridge I don't understand why there's ANOTHER bridge coming in and no solo. Second part would be after the that whammy bar thing.
If they would skip that part from 3:06 - 3:38 and replace it with an awesome solo, that song would be really good. But NO! American Alexi gives a fuck...

You mean, american Alexi wants you to "let him go". :D :D :D
The verse riff is really good. Has this SKO feeling. Luckily the sample was the worst part of the song.

0:17 - nuclear explosion and fire winds
0:50 - the hopeless sight of dried up lake Bodom is revealed as smoke fades
1:05 - restless spirits of the burned lake are exposed to daylight