"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Leaks are always planned. It was kind of a marketting move (clever one btw) around 2005. Now it mostly disappeared. So it will probably not leak, sorry guys. Still I hope, but not that much XD
You know what's shit - this new forum look. Fucking hell, what's with the header?
Those colors are aweful. It's hard to differentiate between already read topics and new replies. They should make it like Scythes Of Bodom did it in the past - choose your theme for yourself!
Hmm, do you people think that we could get something new tomorrow ('cause it will be wednesday)?

And I also already have a brain cancer from looking these colors.
They should just let you choose any album theme given that it's perfectly possible. I mean now it's not since no one has the old themes saved, but it could be done.
I was extremely pissed off today cos someone said something that triggered my nerve, I had to go walk downtown and blast the fuck out of these new COB songs just to avoid killing everyone. I noticed there's authentic and empathized anger in the vocals, like sometimes when I'm so angry I feel like screaming for a full minute till I puke and explode like an atom bomb. Death metal growls are the true way of our species homo sapiens to voice ourselves in our demonic yang format.

This happened to me yesterday, I bashed out of my home pretty damn pissed off at myself and started to listen first song I noticed on my phone and whaddaya know, iHurt popped out. While I was super pissed and listening to iHurt, I noticed that it's probably the angriest CoB song ever recorded, Laiho sounds genuinely angered and fucking pissed during verses and chuggachugga riffs. Now that I've listened to it for a few days, I'm starting to like it. I hope that rest of IWC will be filled with same kind of energy.
This happened to me yesterday, I bashed out of my home pretty damn pissed off at myself and started to listen first song I noticed on my phone and whaddaya know, iHurt popped out. While I was super pissed and listening to iHurt, I noticed that it's probably the angriest CoB song ever recorded, Laiho sounds genuinely angered and fucking pissed during verses and chuggachugga riffs. Now that I've listened to it for a few days, I'm starting to like it. I hope that rest of IWC will be filled with same kind of energy.

Its funny how well I Hurt puts Blooddrunk to shame in terms of anger. Maybe this is what he wrote after the fall out with Machine Head? This might have been the reason it doesn't have a solo, he was just so into the rage that he kind of forgot?
That video was retarded, I would've enjoyed I worship chaos with them just getting fucked up like they did with SKO. I thought Alexi said he was tired of making stupid music videos?
And now they back up their thus far poorest album with the poorest music video.... It's like they don't give a shit anymore. the bands got a shitty image nowadays.... There is so much cool things they could do with the whole reaper thing, but just don't..... Alexi; you are a fucktard, now fire that new management of yours, it sucks even worse than the one before....