"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

That video was retarded, I would've enjoyed I worship chaos with them just getting fucked up like they did with SKO. I thought Alexi said he was tired of making stupid music videos?

Ha, guy seeing nightmare of being kung-fu panda in the middle of dust explosions.

And worst CGI made crow i've ever seen!

Why did they make reaper as somekind of fighter here?
This crap doesn't make any sense :D

Even the Youtubers dislike this video
That was a pretty good video. High quality stuff from Ullaeus as usual. The concept is a bit puzzling and it takes too long for Morrigan to make an appearance. But, damn, she's hot.
I Hurt is clearly about some bitch again. And definitely it's the chicks that cause the greatest anger over anything else.

The video. Nice Grand Canyon scenes. Then she's mixing Twilight and Dracula Untold, *sigh*. Too many scenes jumping on the sandpile. The guy does a basic tobi maegeri three times so clearly a 10 second prep for the scene. The Reaper throws a ushiro mawashigeri a few times, repetitive. Didn't know Roy does martial arts, but that's cool, where's his scythe tho?

This Ullaeus lady has always been a... she pretends to be artistic but really she's not special. She's had enough opportunities and they always fail, really.

You kill vampires by piercing the heart with wood. Not Reapers. You don't kill the Reaper. Show some respect. I know it's supposed to be some deep symbolic out of body experience, but still.

I would've done a video for this song, where a man is dragging a heavy iron weight chained to his leg, under a night sky that's shadowed by the colossal, teared cloak of the goddess hovering in the wind. When he makes it to the top of the goddess' hill, he's pushed down by a gust of wind, then his eyes turn fierce from anger and desperation and he takes it out by butchering a few drunken assholes, until the goddess disappears into the darkening night with her ravens.
Soo that's why you have blue balls:muahaha:

Video is great (techincal - vise), but nothing Bodom has ever done. I think story of it has some sense, except that every character is a parody of itself xDDD

But this is it. If you didn't know by now, the point of this whole new album is to be well recieved in America. The video is americanized as fuck.

Bitches love martial arts, action and explosions.
The video is... let's go with not great. I understand they maybe didn't want to record band scenes without the new member of the band (remember Antti is only helping with the shows and we don't know who'll be the next full time member), but still, for such a (supposedly) dark song about the godess, way too much Grand Canyon and way too much light and way too much retarded fighting.
Not a fan of the video, would've preferred a performance, but whatever. I doubt the band had any involvement and think it was all done by the label and filmmaker.
Deafheavens new album got leaked yesterday and that has the same release date. Hopefully early copies are hitting music store warehouses... Only takes that one person
Dude, after chasing away the demon out of my ass, you had to see the mount doom I left in my toilet 20 mins ago. Fucking cauliflower, coffee and cigarettes...

Now really OFFTOPIC, but Arcane, have you tried vaping?
I did smoke something like 5 years and haven't regret a day after starting vaping. Even after first days you get rid of that every morning slime which blocks your breathing and air flows better already. Have been vaping for 3 months now.
Dude, after chasing away the demon out of my ass, you had to see the mount doom I left in my toilet 20 mins ago. Fucking cauliflower, coffee and cigarettes...

What do you smoke i-pot?:tickled: ( I'm that funny black guy from the movies:wave:)

Btw, what the heck is "vaping"?