I would like to express my deepest thanks

Azal, I do wonder, at work are you ever refered to discourteously as "The American" in an eastern european accent like in Wolfenstein games or Indiana Jones movies?
Oh man, I had pictured you in a cubicle, translating English to Serbian and having some overseer walk by speaking to an underling and just say, "Well, if you don't want to, make the American do it."
I did for a while, but generally no one talked to me.

And I translate Serbian to English.

Some old guy did call me "Amerikanac" though everytime I went to get a coffee.

Also no one knew I spoke Serbian because I never talked to anyone so I wouln't say anything and just let people ask me questions in English and struggle really hard to formulate sentences while I chuckled inside myself.

but thankfully, I work from home now.
I just love going places where spanish speakers are and let them say all sorts of insulting things to me and then crush them in their own language.

Example: Waiter called me cheap (Barato) while he was serving us, so I called him a son of a bitch (hijo de puta) and told him he wasn't getting a tip for insulting me.