Iced Earth at the Metro, 11/14/08


Jun 11, 2007
Anyone going? I missed them at PowerFest, so I am looking forward to this show. The Metro website says that the doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 6:15pm. I don't think I have ever seen such a short time frame between doors opening and show starting, ha ha.
What time do you think Iced will go on? I have another committment that night in the city, but if Iced hits the stage around 9:30 I am thinking about it.
FYI...the show pretty much kicked ass!!

The highlight for me was seeing them do "Night of the Stormrider" as a 4-piece with Jon singing while Matt went off stage. Jon sounded perfect!! :kickass:

Now if they only did Angel's Holocaust... :worship: :kickass:
FYI...the show pretty much kicked ass!!

The highlight for me was seeing them do "Night of the Stormrider" as a 4-piece with Jon singing while Matt went off stage. Jon sounded perfect!! :kickass:

agreed, that was f'ing awesome, took me completely by surprise! :kickass:
matt sounded spot on and the band is definitely playing like a well oiled machine
now, really glad i caught the show! :headbang:
So how was the turnout? Did the 2-for-1 and giveaway deals help fill the place up? I was up in St. Paul for Heathen Crusade, so I caught Iced Earth up there instead of in Chicago. There it was 300-400, and the club owner blamed the very short lead-in time between booking and the show, saying that power metal shows basically need 4 months to draw a crowd. Initially when I saw the 2-for-1 deal, I thought maybe it was a data-point surprisingly against Chicago in the Chicago-vs.-Mokena debate (since their Powerfest performance sure drew a crowd!) but maybe the lead-in time is the dominant factor at play?

Anyhow, my favorite was getting to hear Matt do "High Water Mark"...everything else was good too, but I've seen some of those songs played more than 20 times now (literally!) "Stormrider"? Pfft! Give me "Path I Choose". "Iced Earth"? How about "Life and Death" instead? "Burning Times"? Hmm, well, actually I don't think there are ANY songs from 'Something Wicked...' that I haven't heard a million times. :D

So how was the turnout? Did the 2-for-1 and giveaway deals help fill the place up? I was up in St. Paul for Heathen Crusade, so I caught Iced Earth up there instead of in Chicago. There it was 300-400, and the club owner blamed the very short lead-in time between booking and the show, saying that power metal shows basically need 4 months to draw a crowd. Initially when I saw the 2-for-1 deal, I thought maybe it was a data-point surprisingly against Chicago in the Chicago-vs.-Mokena debate (since their Powerfest performance sure drew a crowd!) but maybe the lead-in time is the dominant factor at play?

Anyhow, my favorite was getting to hear Matt do "High Water Mark"...everything else was good too, but I've seen some of those songs played more than 20 times now (literally!) "Stormrider"? Pfft! Give me "Path I Choose". "Iced Earth"? How about "Life and Death" instead? "Burning Times"? Hmm, well, actually I don't think there are ANY songs from 'Something Wicked...' that I haven't heard a million times. :D


I'd say there was about 500-600. It was also interesting to see the crowd erupt for the old songs (pre-Ripper) & then be fairly lukewarm for the new songs. But I guess that's typical for most bands

BTW, they did also play both Iced Earth & Burning Times. ;)