Iced Earth: European Tour postponed!

bloodstock said:
Due to complications with Jon Schaffer's back the tour has been postponed!
Nooooo!!!!!! Not only is "The Glorious Burden" the best thing that Iced Earth have yet recorded IMHO, but with Primal Fear as well, it was shaping up to to be the pre-Bloodstock event of the year. That sucks badly. Still I wish him a speedy recovery, and will hang onto my tickets and see them for the rescheduled dates. I'll be interested to see if PF can still play here without Iced Earth, but I fear it won't be economically viable...
Pisses me right off that bands can't tour the Uk. Venues won't take them because they don't think it will sell-out.....that's not the poitn though! Fucking money grabbing bastards!
Newcastle Arena just has loads of POP shit!
The only good band they have ever had there is Iron Maiden!!! (That I can recall)
pisses me off 2 for once it would be cool to go see a metal band somewhere other than london apart from bloodstock i thought i had that with the primal fear gig at wolverhampton as that is only a few miles from my house but that was not 2 be, but its as Edguy and nightwish both said they have dick all sales in this country so we only get one gig if we are lucky and that will always be in london until sales improve
yeh i think these foreign bands get a bad impression of us brits.. for some reason they all get told that we have no interest in metal.. its the pissing opposite mates! come up north, well show them how we do metal up here!
Yeah it's sad really isn't it!
This guy I know has just moved to Sweden with his Swedish girlfriend. Over there Top of The Pops is full of Death metal and it's chessy pop groups and dance! Music in Uk is just terrible!!!!

But it's down to people like all of us on this message board to keep metal going! As long as it still exists at least as a sort of underground scene then that's better than nothing!

Festivals of shite such as download and ozfest help to promote the likes of nu metal and wank bands and this in turn helps to opinioniate a false impression of us genuine metlars over here.

Also last yeat iron maiden did the UK metal scene no favours at all by having funeralforfred as their support.
yeh, i feel wronged by our nation! the onjce proud home of metal now playing host to this bunch of piss poor nu-metal turds.. oh how the tides have turned... We must prove them wrong and out metal the rest of europe! To battle!
Guess the likes of me dont help by travelling abroad to see them either ! I just got to be there though . Its the same old thing when the Euro bands take to the stage here and see the fans , just watch the beaming smiles come across their faces. In recent years I have witnessed this with Primal Fear , Freedom Call , Blind Guardian , Kamelot (American I grant you) , Stratovarius (RIP) , Hammerfall , Doro Pesch , Grave Digger and there will be more , just watch Children of Bodom , Edenbridge and Sonata Artica at this years Bloodstock. Oh, and Nightwish last year !. Only we can change this but we are also to blame , like the lousy turn-out for U.D.O at JBs on their last tour........terrible ! If you want them to come then get out and support em !!. Also if you can try to buy their albums instead of copying or downloading them , not always easy , but album sales dictate to the band the size of their following , so no sales=no fans to them !
wolfhoff said:
Guess the likes of me dont help by travelling abroad to see them either ! I just got to be there though . Its the same old thing when the Euro bands take to the stage here and see the fans , just watch the beaming smiles come across their faces. In recent years I have witnessed this with Primal Fear , Freedom Call , Blind Guardian , Kamelot (American I grant you) , Stratovarius (RIP) , Hammerfall , Doro Pesch , Grave Digger and there will be more , just watch Children of Bodom , Edenbridge and Sonata Artica at this years Bloodstock. Oh, and Nightwish last year !. Only we can change this but we are also to blame , like the lousy turn-out for U.D.O at JBs on their last tour........terrible ! If you want them to come then get out and support em !!. Also if you can try to buy their albums instead of copying or downloading them , not always easy , but album sales dictate to the band the size of their following , so no sales=no fans to them !
I too will go to the continent to see the bands that I really want to see. I also will try and see as many bands as possible that I like in the UK. Sadly a lot of bands that I like only do London and more often then not this happens on a weekday. Not only is this expensive but it's fucking knackering. My finances will only stretch so far. Now I'll only travel to London to see my absolute fave bands and the same goes for travelling to abroad to see bands. The problem is I've a lot of fave bands.
its is a terriable situation now thanks to that piss poor magazine i cant really afford to go out of the uk to see my fav bands buts i feel the situation is only going to get worse and soon may have to go abroad to see the bands i wanna see i was talking to Alexi Laiho(not to name drop) before the Bodom gig in Sheffield and he said the same as every other metal band and that is there label has told em they have fuck all sales in the uk so they dont arrange many gigs here, however talking of Bodom my mates sister reads Kerrang and Bodom have being reciving alot of press so i wonder what the crowd will be like at bloodstock this year? if its full of nu-metal wankers i shall be using the many plastic swords to pin them to the wall
I agree with what's been said on the topic so far!!!

Finance wise i can afford to go see any band I want at any time...only problem is thoguh to get the money to do this I had to get a full time job which means i don't have the time to see the bands!
Kind of a Catch 22 really isn't it.......and it fucking sucks!
Plus theres the fact that everyone I know who likes metal likes all the mainstreem shit...and the ones who don't listen to metal are all punk fans and wouldn't come with me to real metal gigs!
2 of my mates at the moment actually like similar metal to me but for all 3 of us to be able to get the same days off work is very unlikely!
I would be at every gig I could if I had more people to come with me!
Some people are lucky and have mates who are into the same bands as them!
Half my mates don't even like metal at all!
I download songs but only to see if I like a band! If after a few songs I still can't decide then I download the whole album...put it on cd and listen to it over a week or so then if i'm liking it a lot I'll buy it!
I've been downloading songs all week actually and from this I now have 15+ albums on order and about 8 of them are new bands to me! :)

Anyways i'm drifting off the point that is:

Oh and if there is loads of nu-metal people there to see CoB then all the true metalers should gather together and show the sad fucks how we dance! ;) (ie....brutal mosh pit with them in them middle of it)
How can you say you hate the music scene! we have bloodstock dont we, at least be thankful for that one mercy... oh and the true metal way to deal with twats is not the somewhat nu-mosh pit.... its to windmill tem till they blood! if needs be just tie some razor blades to your hair and bloody swing like mad! thats our advantage, hair! and we shall use it! and our laceration proof leather... any wanker can push someone when theres little fear of retribution, lets take it to the next level! make the shits bleed! and if that doesnt stop, whip out the old plastic weaponry and bludgeon to near death before playing them some of the notorious 7Hz... the frequency that makes them bloody explode! now thats death metal! sorry... i really have thought about this too much... or maybe not enough...
I hate the music scene in general. Of course Bloodstock is fantastic. Considering the fact that I don't get to go to many of the London gigs then Bloodstock makes up for all that! Only real chance I get to see all my favorite bands!
I didn't mean what nu-metalers class as a mosh pit. What I was referring to is nto pushing people around....I was meaning fists!! ;)
But to get away with punching them then you need to be sort of out of sight...they are not worth getting thrown out for :p
And there would be retalliation if they had the balls...i wouldn't just punch them from behind.I'd tell them I was going to do it first :p haha
Plus I have not the advantage of hair remember! :(
Ill let you off if your gonna tell them before you punch them... now thats classy... also, use some true weaponry, halberds and battle-axes e.t.c.. now thats nu-metaller bashing!
Well I agree with all of you about poor state or rather luck of poor heavy metal fan base in the UK.

I guess I'm lucky to live in London. I've seen most of my fave bands and shaking hands with Ritchie Blackmore and Ripper Owens. I'll never forget it.

But London aren't that nice place to live you know... Why this country so expensive? Vote Lib Dem man.

Well events like Bloodstock is our hope. Also magazines like Terroriser, Power Play and I'm not big fan but Classic Rock is doing a bit of favour for supporting and helping HR/HM popularity.

It should encourages young people to form a band. This country needs some kind of DIY style NWOBHM esque revival.
god_king said:
It should encourages young people to form a band. This country needs some kind of DIY style NWOBHM esque revival.
I too would love to see this happen. But alas, due to the terrible state of the UK Metal Scene (Except Bloodstock) we'd probably end up getting a NuWOBHM. Heaven Forbid!

Open Your Eyes
New Generation
Beware Of The Danger

You're Controlled!
We have bloodstock and we have a lot more gigs and bands that have played over here. I would say that the nu metal scene is dying as i v rarely see KrAp or Limp Bucket shirts these days. Of course I can fully understand where people are coming from re the state of the UK metal scene which is one reason why I wanna try and go into promotion and to get bands playing over here etc and givin local bands a chance to play to improve. Its also the reason i became a DJ too so that i could blast out loads of quality metal for listeners

When i wear my patched denim its amazing how many people have come up to me and say that is a piece of artwork and they admire it by saying that they remember all these bands etc. It makes me happy when people like that appreciate stuff like that as I seem to be one of the very few in Leeds with one of them.

On this board we are heavy metal till the end and we all know the metal rules this earth and our hearts. Lets stand up for what we believe in and show these commercial nu metal crap that our metal hearts are hard to TEAR APART!
