Iced Earth in Classic Rock Magazine...


Sep 3, 2003
Leeds, UK
thought you might be interested to see that in this months Classic Rock magazine theres a short beginners guide to Iced Earth and a review with a picture of 'The Glorious Burden'... THought it was great to see a good magazine taking an interest in Metal, unfortunately they were a bit behind the times in the fact that the gigs are cancelled... Still.. they cant be perfect... Theyre very complimentary about 'The Glorious Burden' Too.... Also Stratovarius are in the charts in there too! Ive seen Bodom In there before aswell... for quite a while at that...
Maybe theres hope for British music press yet! Ive already e-mailed them requesting that they start taking more of an interest in metal...
Agree with you on that. Classic Rock's the only music magazine i'll buy (if I ever do). Their charts usually have quite a few good albums in them (seen Blind Guardian in there before as well) and i'm sure they had a mention of Bloodstock last year at the beginning somewhere with the dates.
Seems that this month's Classic Rock went to print before Iced Earth cancelled as there is an advert for the gig in the classified.

As for Classic Rock itself I do subscribe still but have been disappointed of late. It's a bit too mainstream for me and I don't usually read it very thoroughly. The best music mag as far as I am concerned is Powerplay. This month there is, for example, a great Nightwish interview and one with Edguy.
Has it? Last time I bought it was more than six months ago so it may have changed a bit. Never tried Powerplay before though I saw it advertised at Bloodstock 02, where can I get hold of it?
I would try in your local WH may be lucky! I manage to buy mine in my local newsagent but I know Powerplay sometimes struggle with their distribution! It's worth trying to find and I understand their webmaster posts on this board so he may be able to help a little more than me!
The people i know who get powerplay get it by subscription which works out cheaper than classic rock so its not hard to get really ut im just too lazy to get a subscription... i was put off it aswell by the issue that was out during bloodstock last year which had evanescense on the cover... If ever there was a bad choice made that was it... maybe i will get me a subscription someday... Ill still read Classic Rock aswell though.. I think its a great magazine on the whole...
I got 'The Glorious Burden' yesterday. I listened to it. It's brilliant. Only complain has to be er... Pointless single from that album. I felt like wasted my cash...

Personally speaking Ripper Owens has better vocal range than Matt Barlow and I feel this is their best record.
LeeWill said:
Has it? Last time I bought it was more than six months ago so it may have changed a bit. Never tried Powerplay before though I saw it advertised at Bloodstock 02, where can I get hold of it?

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I buy Terrorizer and Metal Hammer occasionally, Classic Rock every couple of months (though it contains loads of stuff that I'm not interested in) and Powerplay each month.

I'm also a regular reader of French magazines like Rock Hard which I think are still way better and broader in their coverage than anything the UK can offer - plus they have a nice sampler which usually contains some decent videos as well as some good tunes.
I just tend to buy Powerplay (when I find it) and I usually have a quick perusal of classic rock for a laugh. To be honest I think I find out more info on Metal and stuff from message boards and band websites. But for a glossy bedtime read it's powerplay or EMP catalogues for me.
When waiting for the bus I go in the WHSmith and read the Kerrang letters for a laugh, and if my bus hasn't turned up by then... I go on to Classic Rock. If it stocked Powerplay I might actually buy a magazine for the first time in my life!
Not too keen on mags myself, they go out of date after a month and I wouldn't be bothered with them for the nostalgia. I have ears and CDs for that! Reviews are also too subjective for my tastes.