Iced Earth News


ICED EARTH Guitarist Says Next CD Will Be A Three-Hour, Two-Part Concept Album - Aug. 1, 2005 On Track Magazine recently conducted an interview with ICED EARTH/DEMONS & WIZARDS guitarist Jon Schaffer. An excerpt from the chat follows:

On Track Magazine: How are you doin' health-wise?

Jon: "Well, I had another procedure this past November which is the third surgical procedure that I've had on my lower back in the past couple of years, and I think that we're on the right track here. It's been really frustrating, because it's just one of those things. It wasn't like with my neck. I mean, I had a lot of problems. I injured it in '96 onstage in Berlin and basically ignored it and didn't take care of it and went on stage and thrashed like an idiot every night, getting cortisone shots to get through the gigs, bla, bla, bla. By the year 2000, actually it was the DEMONS & WIZARDS headline tour of Europe, I had three epidurals just to get through the tour. The day after I got home from the tour I was on the operating table. But after that I was so much better, my neck was doing so much better; the relief was huge. And then a few years ago this lower back problem starts, and basically the first two procedures I had were just a f*ckin' waste of time and that was very frustrating because any time you have surgery it's a hassle, from the time it actually takes to do it to the recuperation period and everything. But I think we've finally pinpointed what the deal is and a lot of it actually stems from the years that I took martial arts. I was really into that stuff and I haven't been stretchin' in the last few years like I'm supposed to so I've got a lot of problems in my hips that are influencing the lower back. I used to do full splits and put my chest to the floor and all that stuff and I'm still very limber, but not like I used to be. I haven't been doin' that kind of stuff so my body's trying to go back to its normal position and some nerves are not and so they're gettin' pinched off in the hip areas and it's just creatin' a lot of problems; that's what we finally have come to determine from it. So basically I'm doin' physical therapy, too, and we've decided that ICED EARTH is not gonna tour again without a physical therapist. Even if we get this thing nailed and I'm feelin' great and I go six months with no problems, I'm still gonna take somebody out on the road because it's not the performing — that's the easy part — it's the traveling that really causes problems. You're livin' in a bus bouncin' around all day and you get from point A to point B but it's not very restful and it's tough on a person who has a bad back. It used to be brutal in the mid-to-late '90s with the neck problem because every bump, I felt; I never got any sleep until the tour bus would stop. And that's kind of how it was on this last one, when the bus was stopped would be the only time I could crash and that may be 10:00 the next day after the show. Anyway, I think we're on the road to recovery here. I'm feelin' better and I'm still workin' at it, and with everything that's goin' on and the big news that just came down for ICED EARTH and where we're headed, I feel more determined and pumped than ever before — more inspired. And I have my daughter to thank for a lot of that and I'm just like ready to come back with a f*ckin' vengeance. Man, I'm pumped! I'm very excited about what's comin' up and it's gonna be awhile because we're finally gonna do the 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' story on the most awesome concept record that we've ever done. So I'm gonna start writing that very soon and Tim's [Owens, vocals] excited about it and we're just gonna come back with a vengeance, man."

On Track Magazine: Very cool, awesome.

Jon: "Yeah, we're for sure gonna do that, and it wasn't that it was given to me, but it's been somethin' that I've been pitchin' to SPV that I had to have certain commitments from them in order to carry on with it. Believe it or not, after all these years, especially around the writing process for 'The Glorious Burden', I was thinkin', 'Man, you know, I've gotta finish the 'Something Wicked' thing one of these days.' And I wonder if, after all these years, if I'm still gonna be inspired enough to want to do it; to really get into it and to tell the story the way it needs to be told. And I think, because my daughter being born, I'm finally able to…. I don't know man, I feel psyched, I'm totally pumped and ready to attack this thing. And SPV's goin' along with my plan — the decision was made Friday that we're gonna do it. It's gonna be two albums: it's gonna be a Part I and then Part II will probably be released six months later. Part I will come out as we're finishing up Part II and then we'll probably kick off the world tour with the release of Part II. So it's gonna probably be three and a half hours of music and I mean, I'm tellin' a story that is sci-fi kind of horror, conspiracy theory, but it's based over twelve thousand years of human history; there's a lot to tackle in this thing. The trilogy was just a teaser to the whole story and what we're gonna be gettin' in to is so much bigger. And that's actually the big news, I know there have been a lot of people that have been wantin' that to happen for a long time."

On Track Magazine: Yeah definitely, definitely sounds fantastic.

Jon: "It has to be our 'Operation Mindcrime' or our 'The Wall'. This is it — this has got to destroy everything we've ever done. I'm feelin' the pressure, but it's a good thing, it's got me, like, energized and just ready to attack. I spent last week with Tim… I actually just got back from Sweden last night ‘cause we did the video for 'Terror Train' over there for the DEMONS album. But I spent last week with Tim because he just had a daughter too; she was born a month after mine was, and both families got together and spent the week together over there and just had a great time. Y'know, he's workin' on his side-project thing now, but he's really gettin' excited and ready to come back into this world and get on with it, so it should be very cool. Y'know, we're not gonna tour at all unless some big opportunity comes, and I mean big. It's gotta be like METALLICA big, IRON MAIDEN, that kind of a tour, and then we would go back out, it would be worth it. But otherwise, anything else is just gonna take away time from us gettin' the next record done."

Read the entire interview at
Three hours? Yikes.

You know, I saw the last tour and thought it was really good except for two things:

1) Lead guitar is just an afterthought in I.E., which is a shame because the songs would benefit if they had a totally awesome soloist

2) The show was TOO LONG. Normally, I'm a bang for the buck guy and love all the encores I can get, but when the encore is nearly an hour and my feet were hurting, it was an endurance test.
Electronicoil said:
Three hours? Yikes.

You know, I saw the last tour and thought it was really good except for two things:

1) Lead guitar is just an afterthought in I.E., which is a shame because the songs would benefit if they had a totally awesome soloist

2) The show was TOO LONG. Normally, I'm a bang for the buck guy and love all the encores I can get, but when the encore is nearly an hour and my feet were hurting, it was an endurance test.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the guitar or other portions of the music...
But Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, my feet were hurting Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Listen, I stood for 6 fucking hours that night & dispite getting tired it was well worth it! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Hey buddy, nice Angela avatar! So you like Arch Enemy? :). They are one of my favorite bands. So what do you think about the new Nevermore?
I thought the last tour was great. Yeah, the encore was long but Tim was just tearing it up in his home town so I wasn't thinking about my feet. I'm really anxious to hear the new stuff that is written with Tim's vocals in mind. It should be awesome.
sixxswine said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the guitar or other portions of the music...
But Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, my feet were hurting Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Listen, I stood for 6 fucking hours that night & dispite getting tired it was well worth it! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

:lol: Thats the funniest shit I have seen all week!!! But I agree!!! you will never hear me balling cause my feet hurt! .... ofcourse normally I have to travel 4 to 6 hours by car to see anyshow I want to see so Standing for several hours never bothers me
anyways Back to the real topic!

I Cant Fucking Wait to hear this!!!! and a BIG FUCK OFF to those that will only buy it if Barlow comes back and another BIG FUCK OFF to those who bitch about Jon's Guitar playin the man is Great he's still *Got It* and one more BIG FUCK OFF for fun!
Can't wait for this release. I seen them on the last tour also. Great fucking show! IE, Evergrey, and COB. How can you beat that for value! The only thing I didn't care for was all the background stuff that was taped and shit, especially during gettysburg. I know they couldn't bring an orchestra with them, but whenever I hear stuff pumped in like that it makes me wonder what else is getting pumped through. Extra vocals, guitars, who knows. I don't care for it, if you can't pull it off without tapes (besides intros and stuff) than don't play it.
SavaRon said:
but whenever I hear stuff pumped in like that it makes me wonder what else is getting pumped through. Extra vocals, guitars, who knows. I don't care for it, if you can't pull it off without tapes (besides intros and stuff) than don't play it.

Thats a good point and I agree 100%
sixxswine said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the guitar or other portions of the music...
But Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, my feet were hurting Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Listen, I stood for 6 fucking hours that night & dispite getting tired it was well worth it! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Ok, that's pretty funny. :D And, waaaaaaaahhh, my feet did hurt. I'm not as young as I used to be. :yell:

My point is that I.E. didn't exactly get the "leave them wanting more" principle. I think there were TWO encores, actually. One was the whole half hour Gettysburg thing (which I expected), but then they just kept playing more. I stayed for it all, but I actually got a little bit bored, which is rare for me at a metal show unless it's a really bad opening act.
JonnyD said:
anyways Back to the real topic!

I Cant Fucking Wait to hear this!!!! and a BIG FUCK OFF to those that will only buy it if Barlow comes back and another BIG FUCK OFF to those who bitch about Jon's Guitar playin the man is Great he's still *Got It* and one more BIG FUCK OFF for fun!

I liked them with Barlow, but I also liked Owens. I have no problem with either of them.

I like Jon's rhythm playing a lot. He's a hell of a riffer. My problem with I.E. is the guitar solos just aren't as good as they could be. The band doesn't have a Marty Friedman, Alex Skolnick, Chris Oliva type lead guitarist, and if it did, I.E. would totally slay.

And, actually, on CD it's not that big of a hole. But on tour with that rather mediocre hired gun lead guitarist, it was a big hole. And to make matters worse, his tone was nearly exactly like Jon's and not quite as loud. So the leads really lacked "cut."

So that's the way I see it and if you disagree that's cool too, but if it pisses you off then I think you are being a fanboy.
Electronicoil said:
I liked them with Barlow, but I also liked Owens. I have no problem with either of them.

I like Jon's rhythm playing a lot. He's a hell of a riffer. My problem with I.E. is the guitar solos just aren't as good as they could be. The band doesn't have a Marty Friedman, Alex Skolnick, Chris Oliva type lead guitarist, and if it did, I.E. would totally slay.

And, actually, on CD it's not that big of a hole. But on tour with that rather mediocre hired gun lead guitarist, it was a big hole. And to make matters worse, his tone was nearly exactly like Jon's and not quite as loud. So the leads really lacked "cut."

So that's the way I see it and if you disagree that's cool too, but if it pisses you off then I think you are being a fanboy.

I actually agree with you on pretty much all accounts cept I dont really care much for Barlow .... as for the Fanboy thing ... add that to the list of BIG FUCK OFFS :D :wave:
Electronicoil said:
Ok, that's pretty funny. :D And, waaaaaaaahhh, my feet did hurt. I'm not as young as I used to be. :yell:

My point is that I.E. didn't exactly get the "leave them wanting more" principle. I think there were TWO encores, actually. One was the whole half hour Gettysburg thing (which I expected), but then they just kept playing more. I stayed for it all, but I actually got a little bit bored, which is rare for me at a metal show unless it's a really bad opening act.

I was busting your balls, of course you're entitled to your opinion. When I saw them, they closed with Iced Earth & them come back with Gettys. I suppose, after seeing them complete Gettys, everything would have been overkill...
Ya know, I love this band. They are traditional as fuck... New as fuck and they have they METAL attitude. What more does it take?!?!? Jon really is a helluva guy and he is a nice dude to boot. He has the balls to take on the world. I agree with the band aspect though. He really needs to get fucking band! Why does Tad Morose slay??? Because they have a band... Jon has the knowledge to do what he KNOWS he needs to do. He has a singer that fucking kills now... Just like Matt... who I thing was better for Iced Earth (just My opinion) and he has the riffs... He has a drummer that is impecible.... now make it come together. Find the guitarist to fit the slot, get the fuck of the high horse and make a fucking albumn that will live forever.

What do I know though...

I will always believe that the band will live on... ONE man will not...

Come on Jon, you believe in the U.S. of A, right???

Live what you preach dude!
Narcosynthesys68 said:
Jon really is a helluva guy and he is a nice dude to boot. He has the balls to take on the world. I agree with the band aspect though. He really needs to get fucking band!
I'd like him to get a steady band, but frankly he doesn't have the money to keep people on a retainer. Tim is collecting money from past Priest stuff, I'm sure. He's not rolling in money, but can still have some income. Jon writes all the stuff, so he gets all the publishing... That's not enough to pay 3-4 other guys to hang out until a new record is written now is it? Jon is one nice fellow, I have met him & have had a chnace to interview him a couple of times. He loves his fans.
sixxswine said:
I'd like him to get a steady band, but frankly he doesn't have the money to keep people on a retainer. Tim is collecting money from past Priest stuff, I'm sure. He's not rolling in money, but can still have some income.
Ripper propably earns little money from this past, since he never wrote a song while in Priest. (except from a forgotten bonus track if I'm not mistaken)

I have to agree with Narcosynthesys though, I still like Iced Earth and support them, but I think they were more creative when they looked like a real band in early-mid 90's.
:err: you big buncha babies! YOU are complaining about your feet... what about us girls who wear high heels eh?

:p just needed to get that out of the way.

And I am just fucking psyched about a new IE... can't wait! And I agree w/JD on all the "Fuck Offs" :lol:
Pabla said:
:err: you big buncha babies! YOU are complaining about your feet... what about us girls who wear high heels eh?

:p just needed to get that out of the way.

And I am just fucking psyched about a new IE... can't wait! And I agree w/JD on all the "Fuck Offs" :lol:

:lol: I'm glad we always agree! :wave:
ICED EARTH Mainman Says Singer TIM OWENS Will Have Little Songwriting Input On New Album - Aug. 3, 2005

ICED EARTH guitarist/mainman Jon Schaffer recently spoke to about his decision to record a concept album based on the "Something Wicked This Way Comes" story first touched up on the 1998 album of the same name. Asked what made him decide to do a second part of "Something Wicked This Way Comes", Schaffer replied, "It's not really a second part. The 'Something Wicked' album, at the end of that record, there's a trilogy, and it's called the 'Something Wicked' trilogy. And that was a teaser to this entire story that I've written. The plan was always to follow up and do a full concept album based on that story that I've written. The problem was I didn't feel like the time was right, and I didn't feel that Century Media at the time was the right label to do it. And, of course, after we had signed with SPV… I always follow my heart, my gut instinct, and at the time I felt it was right to do something like 'The Glorious Burden' — that's what was coming out at the time. And for me as a writer, it just felt like the way to go. Now it feels like the time is right for me to do it, and it will be by far the most ambitious undertaking for me as a songwriter ever, because it's a very complex story, it spans the course of about 12,000 years of human history. It's a science-fiction horror story, conspiracy story. There's so many different elements in it that it's a trip. And what people heard on the trilogy is just really a teaser to what this whole thing is about. It's gonna be awesome."

With regards to how much input vocalist Tim Owens (ex-JUDAS PRIEST) will have in the songwriting process for the new album, Schaffer said, "Probably not that much, because the story has been there for awhile. Tim doesn't have experience as a songwriter. He's never really been given that opportunity. However, he WILL be given that opportunity in ICED EARTH. It's just that with this, it's kind of a done deal, and he's very aware of that. Also, just because somebody is a great singer doesn't necessarily mean they're a great songwriter, and you can basically ruin your career very quick if you're not careful about the way the writing goes, and Tim is aware of that also. He's doing a side project right now in which he has… It's him and another guitarist, it's a friend of his that's writing most of the material, but Tim is writing and he's gaining experience by doing that, which is a good thing. So we'll see… I mean, obviously, if Tim comes up wit hideas and they're really strong ideas, they'll get used and he'll get credit for it, and he knows that. But he also knows the importance of the decisions in songwriting, and if you're not careful, you can ruin your entire career. We have to be careful… It's funny to me. It blows me away how the human mind works and how people think that just because a guy plays an instrument he must be a songwriter, and that's so far from the truth, it's unbelievable. In all my years of being a professional musician, I've probably met two or three guys that are actual, real songwriters, and there's quite a difference."