Iced Earth??

Steve is no longer in Iced Earth. From what I understand Jon wanted Steve to tour with them, but Steve couldn't because of other obligations, so Jon kicked him out of the band. Jon went on a public trash-talking tour and Steve decided not to comment on the matter. I really don't like it when musicians start bashing on each other publicly, so I respect Steve for keeping quiet on the matter. Whatever happened is between them, IMO. Of course, this is all from my limited knowledge of what happened and may not be entirely accurate.
well yeah i know he's not in iced earth, but someone told me that they had an argument and steve left the band. i was just wondering what happened. But you're right, that's their buisness and if they don't want to say anything that's cool. Steve still fuckin' rocks!
Steve was too busy with other stuff, and couldn't tour with Iced Earth, and of course, Jon got pissed. He said he was going to put Steve as a guest musician, and that obviously didn't happen :) I think Jon over reacts a lot. He should have known Steve was in like 1,000,000 other bands.
For those very reasons! That, and the older shit DOES tend to get redundant after a few spins =)

I got told. I know though, I'm just repeating my view for the new campers. Sorry though.

Dude, I do like Iced Earth. I'm not afraid to say my disapproval of them. It's that when a fan says a band sucks on the bands board, or says what they think about that band, everyone calls them stupid for saying what they think, so why post it on the board if you're going to be non-receptive of their opinion.
I never implied you should go to the board at is stupid anyway) and post that you dont like em.All I'm sayin is that its easy to talk shit about em here where not many IE fans will see it.I go to the Maiden BB ALOT.I've voiced my opinions on alot of things I dont like about Maiden.If people want to call me names and flames me.Its cool.Shows just how stupid they are.

As for the Jon overracting thing.I dont think any of us but Iced Earth and Steve know the ENTIRE story so dont be so quick to pass well do any of you know Jon anyway to say that?
Like I've said before, I like the band, but it seems when something doesn't go Jon's way, he just over reacts to stuff. I'm not saying he's an asshole though. Jeez. But like you said, why would I go on the Iced Earth board to say it? I'm just voicing my opinion. Steve constantly keeps himself busy. Anyway, I thought this was killed, yet you brought it up again.