Iced Earth??

I have no problem seeing a discussion about any band, Iced Earth or me...or anything for that matter.
But what I have a problem with is seeing shit talking about anybody. There's no use for it. It's true, nobody knows the band enough or what happened to say either way. It's fine if you have an opinion about what happened, but don't speak factually when you have none to stand on.
Jon chose to bash me publicly, I chose to not talk about it. That's the end of it. I'm not saying what Jon says is true or not, and I'm not saying that I care if anybody would ever believe me. I'm just saying that I don't believe anything good can come out of bashing somebody.
We've both moved on, and I'm hoping you all can too.
True,bashing usually leads to more bullshit.I dunno exactly all what Jon said but I do agree it would have been a bit classier if you will to just keep it quiet.
what gets me is people are so damn touchy about it.That spinelss rat known as Neil the IE webmaster decided it would be fun to bash me because of things that were said to me in private my Jon and he called me a liar.He didnt know what went down yet he assumed he did.

Out of curiosity,is that an F-205 I see that you play?
Let me quote mr. Vanilla Iced :

"True,bashing usually leads to more bullshit"


"That spinelss rat known as Neil the IE webmaster decided it would be fun to bash me because"

are you mental ?
Originally posted by dorkyporky
Let me quote mr. Vanilla Iced :

"True,bashing usually leads to more bullshit"


"That spinelss rat known as Neil the IE webmaster decided it would be fun to bash me because"

are you mental ?
Most tend to think so.
Thats not bashing.Thats flat out disgust.

Vanilla Iced was pretty good.Get that from a 2nd grader?
Originally posted by Iced In Flames
Why isnt it ok to talk about Steve in Iced Earth?

It is, I just meant I think it's useless to bash anybody...including J.Schaffer.
Also there's nothing more to say about what happened between myself and the band. If you want to show support to them, buy their album. If you want to show support to me, drop this topic.