Iced Earth's "The Reckoning"


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
I didnt have much hope that it would be a good release or even get me excited for the new album but Ripper is definitely no Barlow and I am getting awfully tired of Jon's riff recycling.
possessed said:
What took you so long?

Well I havent really liked them that much since The Dark Saga. Something Wicked was better and Horror Show seemed good at first but I havent listened to that one in a long time. I only listen to their old albums now.
Rodrigo said:
Well I havent really liked them that much since The Dark Saga. Something Wicked was better and Horror Show seemed good at first but I havent listened to that one in a long time. I only listen to their old albums now.
Don't tell me you dropped your 'Canes sig. Is it getting reworked?
Demonspell said:
What do you expect when the singer was in a (insert hysterical laughter) nu-metal cover band? So much for that "fuck trends and fuck posers" rhetoric.
For once I fully agree with ya :)

And gimme more Zero Hour tunes I'll like! I'm still skeptical of a band unless I hear atleast three songs by em. I've wasted way too much money on shitty cds.
Actually, aboslutely ntohing. Except that Jon Schaffer rips their style every chance he gets, that is...
Profånity said:
What do Iced Earth have to do with Maiden?

In an effor to make this Maiden related so that people stop bitching I will answer this question (notice that nobody cared prior to this):

Iced Earth have done covers of Transylvania, Number of the Beast and Hallowed be thy Name.