Iced eath news


Apr 24, 2001
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Found this on blabbermouth .....

According to a posting on ICED EARTH's official web site, the band is planning on hitting the road in the U.S. in March/April 2008, to be followed by tours in Australia, Canada, Japan and Russia, among other countries. More details will be announced soon

..... 7 or 8 years ago I would have been doing cart wheels round the room after hearing this news. Sadly Iced earth aren't really my cup of tea anymore.
Same here. Been going downhill ever since they released Burnt Offerings. Ok Dark Saga isnt that bad, but its not as great as some people say. If it didnt have a question of heaven, it would be nothing.
I liked Something Wicked, parts of Horror Show, and the trilogy on Glorious Burden. Still can't get into any other of Ripper's stuff, but I'd probably still see 'em live.