
Greatest French Fan ;)
Sep 27, 2011
Near Lyon, FRANCE.
Hi all,

I wish Nuclear Blast agree to produce an "Iconoclast 5.1 mix special edition" (like Paradise Lost).

It's really a great time to listen the PL songs with a multi-channel audio system...

Dreams, dreams, before the Iconoclast european tour beginning tomorrow in Germany...

Dreams, dreams, before the Iconoclast european tour beginning tomorrow in Germany...

Welcome to the forums, DamZZmaD!

So the tour starts tomorrow, huh? Awesome. I wonder what songs they'll play. We'll have to have a tour thread.

What's all this 5.1 stuff lately? Some gimmick shit?

Iconoclast in HD!

I don't know if it's gimmicky, but I'm sure with the proper sound system a 5.1 mix would sound amazing. Unfortunately I don't have one.
IMO, yes. Though at one point so was stereo. Who knows...

I think the "at one point so was stereo" comment is right on the money. I personally have not delved into the 5.1 setup yet, but I do not think it is a gimmick and I think eventually that sort of omnipresent aural experience will become quite common place. I bet it is going to take one band that really embraces the technology and delivers a knockout album that makes it an integral part of the songwriting approach soup to nuts. To me, even if 5.1 specifically is not the next step, a more immersive sonic experience is the next major step forward in experiencing music.
I don't know how is like in,USA,but here in Italy there is like a sort of coming back to stereo,all the great malls have a special room equiped with the old
2 channels system,and unless your collection is full of dvd and bluray with action movies,I suggest to all my friends to get a good stereo amplifier with 2 loudspeakers.
For our projects, we have typically installed theaters with 5.1

Yes, it's not consumer level, but... 5.1 has been our standard. 7.1 in some cases. 5.3 in other cases for bass steering. Lately several contracts have called for a lot more channels - like a cinema. 17.3, 10.2, etc.
Because of the fact that we have two ears, we can pick up on an infinite amount of channels :D

The two ears are used to determine where sound is coming from. Stereo doesn't isolate one channel to one ear, and the other channel to the other ear.
This is true ^.

Stereo was initially a gimmick in the sense that mono was just fine, accepted and widespread. Stereo offered more channels, more separation. Briefly, quadrophonic hit the scene with similar intent. It didn't stick around. 5.1 has.
The great thing about stereo (and surround), imo, is its ability to create the effect of sound not only from where the speakers themselves are situated, but also anywhere in between the speakers. Stereo can convincingly mimic the sound of a car driving from left to right, for example.
I will never mix my musical artwork with headphones !

I have listened "Paradise Lost" with ONKYO amplifier and FOCAL 5.1 speakers.

Guitar solos, keyboard solos, backing vocals and orchestrations are very enhanced with this multichannel 5.1 system sound.

All instruments details are enhanced !

But Sub-woofer musn't be set at high level.

Enjoy it, I recommand, and I wish "Iconoclast 5.1" ;)
It does with headphones :P

I've used 5.1 headphones, they're not bad, actually!

But that being said, my Logitech Z-5500 5.1 system is awesome. The one thing that always comes to mind about the beauty of 5.1 is from LOTR:FOTR when they're fleeing Moria after Gandalf falls and the arrows are flying from in front to behind you in slow motion.

Hmmm... that reminds me... I haven't watched Saving Private Ryan on this system yet...
^Apparently they do exist. I found the following explanation:

Surround sound headphones use three speakers per ear: a Front, a Rear and a Center channel. The center channel is a normal, large headphone speaker. The Front and Rear speakers are more like earbud-style speakers, and are connected to small tubes that guide the sound in front and behind your ear.

The concept is simple, but it requires a 6-channel sound card for it to be true surround sound that is correctly supported by games and DVDs.

As said here (with a picture) http://www.instructables.com/id/Mod.../step1/How-Do-Surround-Sound-Headphones-Work/
^Apparently they do exist. I found the following explanation:

Surround sound headphones use three speakers per ear: a Front, a Rear and a Center channel. The center channel is a normal, large headphone speaker. The Front and Rear speakers are more like earbud-style speakers, and are connected to small tubes that guide the sound in front and behind your ear.

The concept is simple, but it requires a 6-channel sound card for it to be true surround sound that is correctly supported by games and DVDs.

As said here (with a picture) http://www.instructables.com/id/Mod.../step1/How-Do-Surround-Sound-Headphones-Work/
I hope I never become an audiophile...