Iconoclast: News/Info Thread


Originally from Bosnia. Came to Norway when I was 9 because of the war and now I'm in London for half a year, contemplating moving here once I'm done with my studies. Or anywhere really. Fed up with Norway:p It would have to be somewhere Symphony X actually come when on tour. So do you live in Tunisia or somewhere else, since you don't speak your mother tongue every day?
^ awesome. Well let's chat via PM then ;) we're seriously derailing this thread and the on-topic nazis will be complaining soon.
Hey, armchair band leader, lyricist, band manager -

Lets see how well you remember stuff when you're living out of a bus, in a foreign country, and people ask you questions you may not have thought about, especially after developing the album story line for a period of years.

Seriously, do you NOT whine about anything?

I laughed so hard at this. That term pretty much sums up my whole life. And I wasn't whining, I was making small talk. Like I'm losing sleep at night thinking about what Romeo says. I changed my occupation on my profile to "armchair band leader".
I laughed so hard at this. That term pretty much sums up my whole life. And I wasn't whining, I was making small talk. Like I'm losing sleep at night thinking about what Romeo says. I changed my occupation on my profile to "armchair band leader".

Off topic, but I love the avatar. I never see that album discussed.
Off topic, but I love the avatar. I never see that album discussed.

It got horrible reviews on progarchives. I think Ruins at Avalon's Gate is like a modern Tarkus.

I think it's lame that we have to wait so long to hear this album. With today's music industry, let's face it, most of us are going to download this album anyway, so they might as well release it on itunes or amazon.com now and make some money using impulse buying. Typically when you have to wait so long for something, eventually you just lose interest then when it does come out, you don't even care anymore.
The production on that end of innocence clip is great I think, more balanced and less over compressed than on PL. Also the drums seem to sound good.

Wait, SimX haven't released music videos like they did for PL did they? Did they?

The Set the World on Fire video was actually kinda cool apart from the awkward fights, and er, close ups and, gee I dunno most stuff filmed.

But I wouldn't mind seeing some 3D effects based on the mythology of the album.
You can hear here a little sample of The end of Innocence:

Hey, I am from Montenegro! Once our countries were together... Nice to see someone from this region here :)

Thumbs up for that!:D It's rare for me to meet people from the Balkans who actually listen to metal and/or hard rock. You'd think it's a natural next step for all those who listened to Atomsko Skloniste while growing up:p
Thumbs up for that!:D It's rare for me to meet people from the Balkans who actually listen to metal and/or hard rock. You'd think it's a natural next step for all those who listened to Atomsko Skloniste while growing up:p

Yes,it's extremely rare! Stupid folk music is ruling this region :( Once, Yugoslavia had great prog/rock bands like Korni Grupa, Smak, Tako, Time, Ekatarina Velika... But stupid war changed everything :(

People, sorry for spaming! ;)
Yes,it's extremely rare! Stupid folk music is ruling this region :( Once, Yugoslavia had great prog/rock bands like Korni Grupa, Smak, Tako, Time, Ekatarina Velika... But stupid war changed everything :(

People, sorry for spaming! ;)

No need for sorry, really. I'd rather read how people who were once from the same country, separated by bloody wars, rejoins because they share something in common - in this case Symphony X, one of the greatest metal bands out there.

That's less spamming than bitching about what brand of toothbrush Russel uses before he sings, I guess.
No need for sorry, really. I'd rather read how people who were once from the same country, separated by bloody wars, rejoins because they share something in common - in this case Symphony X, one of the greatest metal bands out there.


No need for sorry, really. I'd rather read how people who were once from the same country, separated by bloody wars, rejoins because they share something in common - in this case Symphony X, one of the greatest metal bands out there.

That's less spamming than bitching about what brand of toothbrush Russel uses before he sings, I guess.

Nice said man! It's a really special feeling! We are in fact same people, of same origin, who lived in happy country, but stupid politics divided us! Thanks God for giving us music to connect us!
Too bad to see that some people from ex-Yugoslavian countries still live in past, with war inside their heads full of hatred...But I hope that new generations will make a change!


Again,sorry to everyone, but this topic is very emotional to me...I hope you'll understand...