And the new album title is.....

As the ultimate middle finger to technology, they should re-record the entire album hardcore old school black metal style and use a beat up tape recorder while playing live in a public bathroom. They can release the album on cassete that self destructs everytime you try to make copies of it. That'll show the kids with them iphones and blackberries!!:kickass:

and spend the cash advance on cheap vodka. :rock::lol:

immortal, ulver, burzum, wut?
This new album will be such a twist...this new album is gon, suck bro...this will be the greatest album of all time...I hope there are more semi tones in Romeo's guitarz lol...Paradise Lost was the worst album of all time...Paradise Lost was the greatest piece of music in all of history...I hope Russel sings in baritone C sharp lulz...

...This forum in a single sentence.


I hope Lepond's bass tone is as good as it was on Paradise Lost, which btw is easily the best hour of music crafted in the last decade in any genre. Also, moar keybored!111!11 with 80s robot synth sounds! This has me wondering - will the booklet contain photos of the band dressed up as robots? You may laugh now, but when Russ comes out dressed as C3PO on tour, don't tell me you weren't forewarned.

Also, If the upcoming tour doesn't feature an accompanying laser show I will be extremely disappointed.
As the ultimate middle finger to technology, they should re-record the entire album hardcore old school black metal style and use a beat up tape recorder while playing live in a public bathroom. They can release the album on cassete that self destructs everytime you try to make copies of it. That'll show the kids with them iphones and blackberries!!:kickass:

YEAH!!!! :D:D:Smokin::zombie::muahaha::Shedevil: