Iconoclast: News/Info Thread


Im from Bosnia too and probably, the greatest fan of SX in this state so far :rock:
cant wait new album, and i hope that will SX come near Bosnia, in Belgrade or Zagreb to watch perfection live! in the near future..

greetings to all, especially my metal brothers from Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia! :kickass:
It's nice to see this many metal fans(and Sym x fans) from ex yu region here :D I'm from Montenegro too... Definitely agree on Symphony x coming to Belgrade, Zagreb, Podgorica or anywhere around here...
one more sx fan from ex yu region watching this forum :) this time from the coast of the croatia,in town called zadar, well i guess we should open another topic about this or somethnig because this is going really offtopic :)
Wow... I never thought there would be so many of us here! It is a kind of thing that makes me hopeful that the war will one day be completely a thing of the past. Yugoslavia used to be one of the best countries in the world and things are slowly getting back to normal. However, I doubt it will be one nation ever again, but we at least still have the memories.
Shit...that was sappy :lol:
Sorry about that!
Dude... I love End of Innocense now. It's got a sound of its own with a bit of TO and PL :D.
At last, now I can judge a work.

Well, it is pretty standard fare by SX standards. Nothing special here, really. But you can hear the keys a bit more at least. Just glad to finally hear something new from the studio.

I don't dislike it. It does rock for sure. But I just hope the others aren't all like this one.

I will give it a few more listens though.
At last, now I can judge a work.

Well, it is pretty standard fare by SX standards. Nothing special here, really. But you can hear the keys a bit more at least. Just glad to finally hear something new from the studio.

I don't dislike it. It does rock for sure. But I just hope the others aren't all like this one.

I will give it a few more listens though.

My thoughts exactly.
very catchy : that was my impression from the first time i heard it on utube . pretty much a standard SX song but still it feels fresh ... there is definitely an ol' school metal feel on it and i really like that .
I totally got an Ayreon feeling from the synth...(nothing wrong with that, I like Ayreon:)) And I think I would have preferred it clean, no choiring. But it will definitely grow on me, I know that for sure.

Btw, thanks for posting the link! :)