And the new album title is.....

PL was still 100% progressive metal, and showcased the efforts of a band who are constantly evolving with the times.

To call it the worst album of all time, or not even progressive is so severely uninformed. If you can't stand the new direction, don't buy the new album. Win win.
Hasn't Symphony X dabbled with the "machines taking over" theme before with Church of the Machine? If the new album has anything resembling that sound, I'm sure it'll be great.

God I hope not. As much as the theme seems interesting, I hope they don't borrow too heavily from this song.

first thought after reading this: rap metal

While I'm sure he's referring more to some poetic meter or another, it's not without irony that good meter is what makes good rap sound good :p

Still, it's a comment that has me excited. Lyrics written with good meter tend to form good hooks and make for interesting music. It's the kind of stuff that gets stuck in your head. And like him, I've been hearing more and more of it lately.
Hehe, I'm glad to get some responses as I knew I would!:cry:

Anyway, let me say that for ME personally, I can't stand Paradise Lost. Maybe it is a really good album, but it's just not for me.

I really wish I could like it, and to this day I still try.

Anyway .. your right it still is prog metal (most definitely)

I just hope Iconoclast is good, that's all I care about. Even if it is heavy again, I suppose it's safe to assume Russel has gotten better at learning how to sing/write vocal melodies in that style.

I'm looking forward to the album regardless, just wanted to get my frustration out.
Hasn't Symphony X dabbled with the "machines taking over" theme before with Church of the Machine? If the new album has anything resembling that sound, I'm sure it'll be great.

I was thinking the same thing, especially because they seem to be starting a trend of basing albums off of themes they have already breifly covered on past albums. Paradise Lost's theme came from the track DWoT.
I read the article again and I think there is enough positive stuff Russel said to make this worth being excited about. Can't wait to hear it.

Nightwish... :ill:
Sigh Symphony X, Sigh Forums, Sigh Nuclear Blast.

Its rather distasteful that an internet radio station is able to get more information out than any of of those people, who are all directly involved in someway. That aside....

Really...The bitching is commencing already? I loved Paradise Lost, Sure its not 'old' Symphony x, but it was still solid. I'm happy to hear that the band is trying some new things, i'm sure the guitar tone, vocal melodies and such are either love or hate things for most people. But its nice to see they're taking that symphony x formula and changing it up/adding new things! I must say though, 'Iconoclast' does not sound symphony x in the least, as far as titles go I mean. But its a sweet idea to work from, if anyone can do Terminator right, ts Symphony X. Im curious to see how it all flows together! I mean it seems to me we've heard about knights, templars, every mystical beast in the D&D book, and of course good vs evil! But machines, whipping man kind out? Now that's new territory for symphony x, and that excites me more than Paradise Lost had me excited.

Paradise Lost as awesome as it was. Was a very familiar/safe theme for symphony x. Sure the sound and music has little in common with their old stuff. But taking 5 years to work with past themes is a little steep. Don't take that as a kick in the nuts to the band, that's not at all how I meant it!

Either or, I'm excited to hear it will be out in the first quarter, i'm excited to hear they're keeping some old, and adding some new. And the big thing for me at the moment, is the theme. I mean how lyrics, and emotion, and music flow together can make or break a song IMO. And to me, nothing would enrage mankind more than being destroyed by our own creations, so it makes sense that its heavier.

Think about it, Russell has played Jackal and Hyde, he has done that creepy voice in KoT (the passage from the pit and pendulum). I'm sure he can pull off a sweet ass kicking, mankind destroying, coke can crushing, beast of a robot! Knowing that too, it makes me wonder if there will be some technological atmosphere on some of the songs. Machine bleeps, and android voices. Not things I want exactly. But just a curiosity. I don't like when artists over use such things, but the right amount can be a pleasant treat. Time will tell...time will tell!

I'm excited to see the album artwork, more so receive a release date.
Sigh Symphony X, Sigh Forums, Sigh Nuclear Blast.

Its rather distasteful that an internet radio station is able to get more information out than any of of those people, who are all directly involved in someway. That aside....

Really...The bitching is commencing already? I loved Paradise Lost, Sure its not 'old' Symphony x, but it was still solid. I'm happy to hear that the band is trying some new things, i'm sure the guitar tone, vocal melodies and such are either love or hate things for most people. But its nice to see they're taking that symphony x formula and changing it up/adding new things! I must say though, 'Iconoclast' does not sound symphony x in the least, as far as titles go I mean. But its a sweet idea to work from, if anyone can do Terminator right, ts Symphony X. Im curious to see how it all flows together! I mean it seems to me we've heard about knights, templars, every mystical beast in the D&D book, and of course good vs evil! But machines, whipping man kind out? Now that's new territory for symphony x, and that excites me more than Paradise Lost had me excited.

Paradise Lost as awesome as it was. Was a very familiar/safe theme for symphony x. Sure the sound and music has little in common with their old stuff. But taking 5 years to work with past themes is a little steep. Don't take that as a kick in the nuts to the band, that's not at all how I meant it!

Either or, I'm excited to hear it will be out in the first quarter, i'm excited to hear they're keeping some old, and adding some new. And the big thing for me at the moment, is the theme. I mean how lyrics, and emotion, and music flow together can make or break a song IMO. And to me, nothing would enrage mankind more than being destroyed by our own creations, so it makes sense that its heavier.

Think about it, Russell has played Jackal and Hyde, he has done that creepy voice in KoT (the passage from the pit and pendulum). I'm sure he can pull off a sweet ass kicking, mankind destroying, coke can crushing, beast of a robot! Knowing that too, it makes me wonder if there will be some technological atmosphere on some of the songs. Machine bleeps, and android voices. Not things I want exactly. But just a curiosity. I don't like when artists over use such things, but the right amount can be a pleasant treat. Time will tell...time will tell!

I'm excited to see the album artwork, more so receive a release date.

Nice post man. I guess the theme doesnt bother me, but just the fact that it might sound like PL. I just don't like the vocal melody and song progressions. Something is missing.. I also don't like Russ' vocals. Ugg.. I tried listened again just now and I just can't stand the entire album. I am excited tho to hear the new album, very excited. Let's hope it's inspired and something different than PL.
I am excited to see what Symphony X comes up with this idea of machine and man...I know that wont be a new idea for them to work on but when there are several songs on this theme, well, we have a lot to explore about the band ! HAIL Symphony X !!
Yay for news!

I am excited for the album, excited for the concept, excited for the songs, but Russell's continuing foray into aggressive vocals is always going to be a disappointment. Can't wait for a release date, though!

Same feelings here. Everything might be alright but again aggressive vocals? No.... That's probably the one reason I can't listen to PL right there.

And YES more keyboard would be awesome.. I miss the old song structures and I feel like the keys played a big role in them.
Sigh Symphony X, Sigh Forums, Sigh Nuclear Blast.

Its rather distasteful that an internet radio station is able to get more information out than any of of those people, who are all directly involved in someway. That aside....

Really...The bitching is commencing already? I loved Paradise Lost, Sure its not 'old' Symphony x, but it was still solid. I'm happy to hear that the band is trying some new things, i'm sure the guitar tone, vocal melodies and such are either love or hate things for most people. But its nice to see they're taking that symphony x formula and changing it up/adding new things! I must say though, 'Iconoclast' does not sound symphony x in the least, as far as titles go I mean. But its a sweet idea to work from, if anyone can do Terminator right, ts Symphony X. Im curious to see how it all flows together! I mean it seems to me we've heard about knights, templars, every mystical beast in the D&D book, and of course good vs evil! But machines, whipping man kind out? Now that's new territory for symphony x, and that excites me more than Paradise Lost had me excited.

Paradise Lost as awesome as it was. Was a very familiar/safe theme for symphony x. Sure the sound and music has little in common with their old stuff. But taking 5 years to work with past themes is a little steep. Don't take that as a kick in the nuts to the band, that's not at all how I meant it!

Either or, I'm excited to hear it will be out in the first quarter, i'm excited to hear they're keeping some old, and adding some new. And the big thing for me at the moment, is the theme. I mean how lyrics, and emotion, and music flow together can make or break a song IMO. And to me, nothing would enrage mankind more than being destroyed by our own creations, so it makes sense that its heavier.

Think about it, Russell has played Jackal and Hyde, he has done that creepy voice in KoT (the passage from the pit and pendulum). I'm sure he can pull off a sweet ass kicking, mankind destroying, coke can crushing, beast of a robot! Knowing that too, it makes me wonder if there will be some technological atmosphere on some of the songs. Machine bleeps, and android voices. Not things I want exactly. But just a curiosity. I don't like when artists over use such things, but the right amount can be a pleasant treat. Time will tell...time will tell!

I'm excited to see the album artwork, more so receive a release date.

I got a feeling russ didnt mean actual robots kicking our asses, more like technology destroying mankind in the way that humans rely on machines. We've became so dependant on them that if machines were to suddenly stop working, we'd all be fucked.

The internet crashes. The world stops.

Though maybe it will be about robots turning on mankind in a matrix/terminator type thing. That would be cooler >> in my opinion at least.
@Dark: I didn't think of it that way. Could be awesome the other way as well. That just seems to up to date to be symphony x. Though singing about real-world events is something indeed new with the band. Time will tell!

The only fear I have is tube vox, and over compression. I mean either way you slice it the evolution of technology is the theme, either us being to dependent on it, or robots taken us over. I just think a whole album dedicated to us becoming lazy and too reliant on technology will get boring and samey. I mean how many different ways can you say "We do everything online, if that fails we fail." Though I could be wrong, as far as album artwork, I picture something technology relates, and possibly futuristic, like robots.

On a side note, maybe Arnie himself will have a cameo appearance himself as the gouvernator.... haha
This new album will be such a twist...this new album is gon, suck bro...this will be the greatest album of all time...I hope there are more semi tones in Romeo's guitarz lol...Paradise Lost was the worst album of all time...Paradise Lost was the greatest piece of music in all of history...I hope Russel sings in baritone C sharp lulz...

...This forum in a single sentence.
@Dark: I didn't think of it that way. Could be awesome the other way as well. That just seems to up to date to be symphony x. Though singing about real-world events is something indeed new with the band. Time will tell!

The only fear I have is tube vox, and over compression. I mean either way you slice it the evolution of technology is the theme, either us being to dependent on it, or robots taken us over. I just think a whole album dedicated to us becoming lazy and too reliant on technology will get boring and samey. I mean how many different ways can you say "We do everything online, if that fails we fail." Though I could be wrong, as far as album artwork, I picture something technology relates, and possibly futuristic, like robots.

On a side note, maybe Arnie himself will have a cameo appearance himself as the gouvernator.... haha

Maybe SX will target their hatred of modern technology toward that lame shiny prog metal production by getting rid of it. Here's hoping!
As the ultimate middle finger to technology, they should re-record the entire album hardcore old school black metal style and use a beat up tape recorder while playing live in a public bathroom. They can release the album on cassete that self destructs everytime you try to make copies of it. That'll show the kids with them iphones and blackberries!!:kickass: