Symphony X news about the new album

How's the view from that perch?

:lol: Not bad at all, it's a very beautiful day out here today. Gonna fire up the grill soon... Join us? :lol:

In all seriousness, there has been a lot of bad comments on djent on this forum. I honestly wonder if some of those who hate it so much have actually heard more than one "djent" song. I know what it's like to feel like an ass for slamming something without really listening to it first, but I also know that people would be really surprised if they actually gave it a fair shot.

And for the record, I like Power Metal too. :)
Hahaha for sure. Well pretty much everything coming out these days lacks humanity. The djent stuff is just unashamedly fake. Haha.

I actually agree with you big time. A lot of the djent out there is purely recycled. But that's a lot like any other styles I guess these days. That being said, there's some good djent out there too.
I actually agree with you big time. A lot of the djent out there is purely recycled. But that's a lot like any other styles I guess these days. That being said, there's some good djent out there too.

Truth is that there pretty much about 3 or 4 max djent bands that I actually keep on my ipod. Most of them are too busy ripping eachother off, so contrary to the belief around here, I think most of it sucks. But I'm still very much interested in the bands that I dislike in the sense that the whole scene is exciting right now. I hate Animals As Leaders and Monuments and a few of these other bands, but I still follow them objectively because I think it's interesting to see them getting bigger and bigger.

However what I meant was that djent is fake. It uses fake sounding guitar tone patches and fake drum samples and everything is ultra quantized and pro tooled. It sounds like robots, but it's so robotic in my mind that it actually works. Most of these bands trying to be authentic that wind up having the same shit done to them sound way worse because they are not taking full advantage of the technology. They should just stick to real drums, real guitars, no autotune, etc.

Back on topic -- I'm shocked to see nobody complaining about the profanity in this song. On their FB people were crying pretty hard about it.
The Symphony X show in Detroit Saturday night was great. There were at the top of their game and sounded great. LePond wasn't as smiley as usual, and there's a huge post at about 10:00 in front of the stage that Romeo was hiding behind the whole night, but it was still very enjoyable.

'Twas my first time seeing Blackguard (missed their set at PP last year) and Powerglove. Blackguard was interesting enough, Powerglove not my thing. I did get the chance to hand out some PP business cards and talk to a couple people about the fest though, so that was cool.

Looking forward to seeing SX back again in the fall.
I'm looking forward to seeing them here in Houston on May 14th.

It's been probably 3 years or more since they've toured around these parts.

Most interestingly, there will be 3 past ProgPower USA bands there, and one future for this year!

Symphony X
Future's End
Saw the Symphony X / Power Glove/ Blackguard show last night in Portland. :rock:

All three bands sounded really good last night, although Russell needed to warm up a little longer or something, he didn't catch his stride until about the 3rd song in - but after that he sounded great.

SymX played a couple of songs from the new album and they sounded really good. Seemed to be a little less proggy than the last few albums. If you consider the transition from Odyssey to Paradise Lost it's a little less proggy and a little darker, seems like they just took one more step in that direction. Will reserve final judgement until I get my hands on the disc.

Blackguard played some material from a new album "Firefight" and it was a bit more complex than their old stuff. I'm still not a fan of their vocal style, but I liked these tunes better, and they put on a high-energy show as usual.

One odd thing I noticed, there was a stack of flight cases roped off behind the mixing board. This venue doesn't usually put stuff there, but they had setup a lighting controller on top of one of the flight cases. One of the flight cases had "Savatage" stenciled on the side. Is there any connection between Symphony X and Savatage? Could belong to a lighting or production company or who knows.

Final observation, why do lighting people like to shine bright white lights into the crowd? Techno shows are really bad about it but it's been happening more and more metal shows too. It's bad enough that we're going deaf but do they have to blind us too? I wasn't the only one in the crowd annoyed by that last night.

Pinella covered up part of the "R" and all of the "o" so his Roland gear, showing "P land" to the crowd. Thought that was a nice tribute to my home town.

Off track a little, sorry, but the tunes from Iconoclast sounded good, I'm really looking forward to that release.
Final observation, why do lighting people like to shine bright white lights into the crowd? Techno shows are really bad about it but it's been happening more and more metal shows too. It's bad enough that we're going deaf but do they have to blind us too? I wasn't the only one in the crowd annoyed by that last night.

Agreed. I gave up an awesome spot at the Seattle show because of the lighting.
I can understand 'lighting up the crowd' for times when the crowd is expected to sing along, fist-pump or whatever, but constant bright-lighting the audience (or worse, constant strobing) can ruin a show completely.

Worst recent example for me was Unearth, opening for Dimmu Borgir at the Tabernacle. I'm not a fan of Unearth, but for that tour Gene Hoglan was sitting in on drums*, and he was completely invisible thanks to the incessant strobe-towers on both sides of the drum-riser. After the show I told him "It was cool hearing you play...but sadly, we couldn't SEE you due to all the strobes." Being the awesome guy that he is, he got kinda thoughtful and said he'd talk to the LD about it. :notworthy

* and Hellhammer was drumming for Dimmu -- that's a fuckton of drumming awesomeness in a 2-hr period. :)