I'd like my apology now, please.


Sep 7, 2002
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Last year, I made a tongue in cheek post about planning the festival for Glenn so he could take the year off. I threw in a bunch of band that I don't even like to try to keep a balanced "tongue in cheek" show. Aaaaaand, I was ripped a new asshole to the point that I deleted every one of my posts and the topic and the thread closed. I was told the lineup was shit, the bands were shit, it was terrible, etc etc.

Here is that list:

Axel Rudi Pell
Iron Savior

Day 2
Vanden Plas
Crimson Glory
Pretty Maids
Running Wild (backup is Helloween)

Now, it seems that one of my shit bands is playing a sold out US tour (dragonforce). Another of my suggestions, Masterplan, has just the singer showing up as HEADLINER, which everyone is slurping up. I had Masterplan as headliner and I took every type of shit available about it. And finally, I suggested Crimson Glory and now we have all sorts of worship posts here about them now. Iron Savior sucked yet now we have Savage Circus playing after just 1 cd with the same main man on vocals (I think, right?). Plus, I had 2 unique #3s listed for something different and 2 monster headliners on night #2.

I guess I'm not QUITE as much of a fucking idiot as I was made out to be at the time. I'll be accepting apologies all week long right here. :cry: :Smug: :headbang:
Tiamat would be out of place at ProgPower but they might earn a slot on Ruthvenfest. Katatonia would headline.

Incidentally, with a couple of exceptions (because of my unfamiliarity with their music), the bands on the list look fine to me.
People change their minds all the time, and some people just go with what other people's minds are going :loco:

Threshold, Masterplan, & Vanden Plas are all awesome.
Awesome list, I'd go to that...but I'd much rather see Grave Digger over Running Wild (no offense or disrespect at all to Running Wild, I love both Running Wild and Grave Digger, but Grave Digger has had much more impact on me)
woosta said:
Another of my suggestions, Masterplan, has just the singer showing up as HEADLINER, which everyone is slurping up. I had Masterplan as headliner and I took every type of shit available about it.
What in the eff? I'd do anything to see Masterplan play! No apology from me!!!!!! :)
That is a KILLER line up... I would love to see that. Plus I was just listening to some Dragonforce mp3's on their site and holy shit! That is some speedy stuff...
Well, thank you all. Seriously, I'm just jerking some chains of some of the more vocal factions around here because I actually DID take a bunch of shit for posting that.

Anyway, I'm really a BIG fan of the newer Tiamat stuff and I'd love to see something THAT different at ProgPower one day. Or even something like a Deathstars would be nice...just to REALLY freak things out a bit, you know?
woosta said:
Well, thank you all. Seriously, I'm just jerking some chains of some of the more vocal factions around here because I actually DID take a bunch of shit for posting that.

I don't think I gave you any shit for that lineup, but you don't have Freak Kitchen listed, so no apology from me either! :D

Somehow I think that the people who are bitching about the lineup now, are the same who bitched about your lineup in the past....

As I recall, although you have collapsed the thread, you named that post "Glenn, Take Next Year Off." Yes, you did get unnecessarily and personally attacked by Zod and others. The flaming went of for about 3 pages, and should have been stopped by the (ahem) moderator way before that. All in all it was way out of line.

Nevertheless, the six steps to Kevin Bacon you're playing with this list doesn't quite add up.

1. Dragon Force has had as many derogatory remarks made about their tour as your list did. I do like Dragonforce mind you, but there's no vindication there.

2. Jorn is "Headliner" by default, not by qualification. As you yourself have so eloquently pointed out in other posts Jorn really doesn't "do much" for the fest. Masterplan, big as they may become, still isn't Headliner status.

3. The Crimson Glory thread you refer to got a whopping 18 replies, by about 14 members. All sorts of worship???

4. Your Iron Savior pick is in about the right place I think, but one member in common doesn't prove that. Savage Circus sounds nothing like Iron Savior. I like both a lot, but Piet Sielck doesn't sing lead for SC, and the song structure is completely different.

5. The #3 slots are unique if you say so, I don't know much about either of them

6. Of your "Monster" headliners for night #2 it has been repeatedly stated by Glenn that Running Wild is NOT of headliner status. Has Pretty Maids even done anything "Metal" since Spooked? I see them in a hardrock #3 slot ala PC69 at best.

I like about 1/2 of your list, though not necessarily in the order you have them in. While you may deserve an apology for the flaming you took last time, some of us can still disagree with you in a civil manner.
woosta said:
Last year, I made a tongue in cheek post about planning the festival for Glenn so he could take the year off. I threw in a bunch of band that I don't even like to try to keep a balanced "tongue in cheek" show. Aaaaaand, I was ripped a new asshole to the point that I deleted every one of my posts and the topic and the thread closed. I was told the lineup was shit, the bands were shit, it was terrible, etc etc.

Here is that list:

Axel Rudi Pell
Iron Savior

Day 2
Vanden Plas
Crimson Glory
Pretty Maids
Running Wild (backup is Helloween)

Now, it seems that one of my shit bands is playing a sold out US tour (dragonforce). Another of my suggestions, Masterplan, has just the singer showing up as HEADLINER, which everyone is slurping up. I had Masterplan as headliner and I took every type of shit available about it. And finally, I suggested Crimson Glory and now we have all sorts of worship posts here about them now. Iron Savior sucked yet now we have Savage Circus playing after just 1 cd with the same main man on vocals (I think, right?). Plus, I had 2 unique #3s listed for something different and 2 monster headliners on night #2.

I guess I'm not QUITE as much of a fucking idiot as I was made out to be at the time. I'll be accepting apologies all week long right here. :cry: :Smug: :headbang:

I vaguely remember this thread from a while ago, but I highly doubt I bashed anyone's fantasy list. However, there are a few issues that I'm guessing may have come up:

1. Piet Sielck performs guitars and vocals in Iron Savior, but only guitars in Savage Circus.

2. Masterplan, as a performing act only has 2 albums out, which is certainly cause for people to suggest that they may not be a logical headliner... whereas a "career retrospective of Jorn Lande" has about 400 billion albums to choose from, heh.

3. Crimson Glory probably fall into the same category as Conception... i.e., older bands that work for ProgPower, and would therefore warrant a headliner slot, not a 2nd slot.

4. Pretty Maids and Running Wild, on the other hand, will likely fall into the Rage category... i.e., older bands that won't work for ProgPower. Plus, Running Wild is probably too expensive / difficult to book.

5. Given what you pointed out above regarding Dragonforce, they would probably draw more audience than many of the bands you have put in higher slots.

6. Threshold and Vanden Plas have both performed at the fest before in middle slots, so it's reasonable to think that many fans would be agitated at the notion of "demoting" them to being openers. It seems like you're more into power than prog, but just threw a few prog metal bands in opening slots to appease prog fans. But looking at it objectively, for the audience this show draws, Threshold or Vanden Plas is going to draw a lot more people than Pretty Maids.

7. The progression in your list from opener to headliner, seems like it might be more like the ascending order of how much you like those bands, rather than a natural playing order based on how big a band is and how long they've been around (you know, new, lesser-known bands with only 1 or 2 albums playing first, big bands of the genre playing later).

Overall, I think you picked 10 great bands, and I would personally enjoy seeing any of them. But those 10 bands playing in that order... that's not a properly balanced ProgPower roster.
As one of those 14 Crimson Glory worshippers, I'll apologize on behalf of anyone who ripped you for listing them (I never saw the thread). Those people are, well, dumb.

Painted Skies is godly.