Microphone Assassin
What is the tempo of the track?
Yeah! I was trying to figure that out for a while
What is the tempo of the track?
Yeah! I was trying to figure that out for a while![]()
It has tempochanges, starts with 170 and then comes 120 etc
I could do it after the current project I´m working on, but I have some questions:
1. Is everything edited?
2. Do you use real amps or only amp-sims/so I have the DI´s ?
new bass track is all kinds of messed up. Sounds some of it is in the right bitrate/depth and the other stuff is off, so it's like half time and dropped an octave...The bass file is approximately twice the length of the song.
Here's my mix with bass:
It's not 100% finished but it's almost there! I really enjoy the song itself, really fucking powerful! Just needs some extra tightening on some guitar edits I did!
The only thing that's annoying me is that the overheads are 100% centered : even though both are hard panned L and R all cymbals remain in the center... which takes a lot from the mix since cymbals are sounding pretty good!