
Propably the last revision, comments please.

Man, I've got sample envy...What are you all using on the snare? The track sounds like the Sneap snare, but all these mixes have a snare I like better!

Sample replaced or EQ'd comp'd?

Processed atleast for me. EQ, comp, clipper as inserts, reverb and parallel compression as sends, nothing else.
Cobhc I like your mix, but I think the kick has too much click, it distracts a little bit from the others aspects of the mix/song, and perhaps, just turn the overheads a little bit down. Otherwise it sounds great! And yeah, there are a few tom fills missing in the toms tracks that are present in OHs.

Anyway here's my new mix:


Feedback is welcome as usual :)
I agree, Nitro could start telling the mixes he like the most. Because in case I get to mix the album (not saying I'm gonna "win") I need to know because of schedules ... and it would also be great to know his opinion so far

edit: shit, just realized my last post was number 666.. lol
Things are sounding good guys! I am going to hold out for a while to let some people have a go at it when their schedules clear up.

The tempos fluctuate between 180, 125, 170 and 120
Hey Nitro, any chance you could please edit your first post and link to the raw files in there? Just for the people that don't want to scour the whole thread and piece it all together.

I'm still keen to give this a shot next week after my current project is done, but I won't be able to until then!
Hey Nitro, any chance you could please edit your first post and link to the raw files in there? Just for the people that don't want to scour the whole thread and piece it all together.

I'm still keen to give this a shot next week after my current project is done, but I won't be able to until then!

+1 on this. That's the only thing turning me off from having a crack at a mix.