Here's mine. Bash it.:heh: Did this really quick so I don't know. I think I left the oh's a bit too fizzy, the toms need hell loads of work. I did some automation, but this song deserves more than what I did. I would be getting back to it tommorow. :)

Edit: getdropbox was messing around with me. Sorry - mhuq_nitrobattery.mp3 - 12.17MB
Cool track! I'm working at this as well. But at the moment i barely have any time to do a mix. It would be less time consuming too on your next time to label all the files :) This way you don't have to figure out what "Audio1. dup5-01 GAIN" does ;) And you don't have to send a L & R from a an audio source which is actually mono ;) Saves a lot of space too.
Here's my quick mix: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1063820/nitro.mp3 Toms still need some work.

I was a bit confused on the guitar parts in the end, when only 3 played at times, I tried to balance it by automating the volume down of the side with 2.

I also tried to align the track to a click so I could fix the drums timing (mainly the kick), but when the song changed tempo to 125 it doesn't match up anymore, so the drums are not fixed.

I think this would sound much better with a tight kick, but anyway nice song man!
You guys have a fucking AWESOME vocalist. Seriously, he sounds so fucking awesome.

Bassist is pretty damn good too (plus the rest of you, but these 2 really stand out for me). I really like the music too.

I've got a decent sounding mix I think but its late and I have a splitting headache so it probly sounds like shit so Ima hold off on posting it.
I too am really busy till next week but I liked the song a lot so I couldn't help myself spending a couple of hours with it.
No major editing/automation/tweaking, yet.
+1 on the tom tracks.

Actually I'd prefer to have the raw unedited tracks of all the drums...And if anything was done to the vocals, guitar or bass, I'd rather have those original raw tracks, too.

Sounds like these were bounced down with the track plugs in place (obviously). I thought it was pretty easy in Pro Tools to consolidate the raw wavs and just save them to a new folder? This is SUPER easy in Cubase if all you want is the raw files (no plugs on the track, etc.).

I'm hoping to post a mix tonight. I haven't had much time to work on it, and I'm starting a new 5 song project tomorrow, so I don't know when I'll be able to really sit down with it. Probably not until next week :(
Here's a brief clip, no automation or anything yet.

Vocals and bass are the main focus in this for my mix. Toms are fucked because I cant be bothered mixing something if I havent got the final tracks. Snare is about 70% my sample (only using one here so it sounds programmed in the fill, have like 4 or 5), 30% original with a fuckton of comp. Guitars may be a tiny bit boxy, and they're kinda plasticky (technique rather than amp dialing/mixing issue unfortunately)


May I just repeat that I LOVE your vocalist :D
Here's my test mix, I spent an hour last night and about another hour today on it, I think I could still do better, but I think it's sounding ok so far.

Vocals are awesome, I love the song too.

Let me know what you think! :D

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/678787/Emination - You can't OD on this (Sora01 Test mix).mp3

EDIT:I really amen't happy with the kick on this one, I'll upload a new one once i'm happy with the overall mix and kick.

EDIT2: New mix http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/678787/Emination - You can't OD on this (Sora01 Test mix 3).mp3

I'm STILL not happy with the kick. Too clicky for this song, I think.
Ok, since the tom tracks aren't coming so far I finished the mix, when new tom tracks arrive it's just replacing them with the new ones so... When I get them I'll update the mix



I opted for a clear master, it's averaging -10dB , peaking -9dB. It could go even louder but I'm sick of hearing stupid loud compressed as fuck shit.

Let me know what you guys think!