Yeah, I didn't like the original kick at all and the snare ewgh :X kick is a blend of 2 samples, slate kick10 and a sample from the ftp called kick drum project. Snare is a blend of 3 samples, 6455 tight API (also from the FTP), Paramore Snare (just a notch, because I like the full body it gives) and Slate Snare 10z1, sent to a verb and z4 room samples. There's not much in my snare chain really, EQ boosting 200hz, cutting 500hz, boosting a bit of high end, not to mention the obligatory lp and hp, then a compressor with slow attack just shaving off -2dB TOPS. But then I have drums being sent to 2 different compressors, although they're slightly blended in they are giving a whole lot of character. If you want to know more feel free to ask.

cool deal, like I said I dig it.

Where would one find the 6455 tight API and Paramore samples? Are they "free" samples that can be found somewhere, or???

I have the kick drum project kick, but no Slates.

I'd like to take a crack at the snare samples that may be free for a project I'm starting tonight...I checked the drum samples META, but there's a lot of dead links there.
im gonna have a crack at this mix tomorrow guyz, im re-amping some stuff for dcdanman later then im out at a show tonight with some buds, but tomorrow this is getting my full attention, because this track is fucking awesome.
is there a deadline for choosing who mixes or whatever? if you can give me say... 2 days i think i can give you something fucking world ending.
cool deal, like I said I dig it.

Where would one find the 6455 tight API and Paramore samples? Are they "free" samples that can be found somewhere, or???

I have the kick drum project kick, but no Slates.

I'd like to take a crack at the snare samples that may be free for a project I'm starting tonight...I checked the drum samples META, but there's a lot of dead links there.

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password: sn3apf0rum

It's all in there
Hey guys,

We've been super busy getting ready for a Metalfest we're playing tomorrow and between getting merch ready, practicing, tearing down gear, and then throw the day job in the mix it doesn't look like I'll have those toms up until Sunday.

Everything sounds awesome so far. There's no rush on getting this mixed. All we care about is getting it done right. We've got 10 songs recorded for this record and just want it to sound as good as it can. I'll check back in Sunday with the raw toms.

Thanks guys!
I cant seem to download the bass track if someone could help awesome
it plays but i cant download

My try. Heavily messed with the drums.

P.S I would love to mix the whole cd for a very affordable price as I'm a poor college student. I can outsource mastering for DIRT cheap to a pro studio that I have a business deal with as well. Just thought I'd offer! I can't really master well so ignore that aspect of my posted clip lol.
out of the few i heard it seems like a lot of OH are killin the mixs here

sptz turned out nice tho