My final mix will be up in a couple days, i just started college, so i'm struggling for time, btw, how are those toms coming along?
Hey guys,

We played metal fest this past weekend and have been recovering the last few days :) I'll get those raw toms up tonight and edit the first post with the bass and toms.

I'm going to hold off before making a decision as there are some guys working on other projects at the moment that won't be able to take a stab at this until they're done with what they're currently working on. As for thoughts so far, some of the mixes sound great....but some are just totally washed in delay and reverb. We're all about huge sounding drums and cool vocal effects, but some of the mixes sounded like we recorded in a gymnasium. We'd definitely like to steer in the direction of tastefulness as opposed to plug-in city.
Ok so there's still a few problems with this. Sum missed snare triggers with KTDrumTrigger (which I'll go back and re-do tomorrow, I figured I'd leave it for now so you'd have something to listen to)
Bass is a bit out of whack and I'm going to re-do the low end tomorrow
A bunch of stuff still needs automation
Also, I haven't even done the toms yet, the original tom tracks are buried in there somewhere practically inaudible, but I'll get around to sample replacing those tomorrow as well and all will be well.

But yeah, let me know what you thinkz, but keep in mind a few parts of it are a definite work in progress. :D

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/631208/Master 1.mp3

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/631208/Master 2.mp3

meatied everything up a bit more, fucked with the bass, need to automate properly tomorrow
changed kick sample
processed the toms included, gonna try different samples tomorrow
need to re-automate vocals
still not happy with the kick
and annoyed with teh low end
but there it is anyway, probably too smashed now as well
Sptz mix is fucking killer! Definitely my favorite by far.

Good job dude, that snare is fucking killer! Mind sharing what 2 compressors you're sending the drums to in parallel?
Sptz mix is fucking killer! Definitely my favorite by far.

Good job dude, that snare is fucking killer! Mind sharing what 2 compressors you're sending the drums to in parallel?

Hey! Thanks a lot for the comments :) really appreciate it! The 2 comps are rocket compressor and ssl comp (not sure on this one, eill confirm when i get home) although both comps are mixed pretty low but theyre giving a lot of character
I'm going to hold off before making a decision as there are some guys working on other projects at the moment that won't be able to take a stab at this until they're done with what they're currently working on.

When you are going to listen to the mixes, remember to use the volumeknob and be sure to listen them so that which sounds the best, not which one is the loudest.