Idea for new Anthrax album


New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2005
The title could be The Bigger Of Two Evils

and it will comprise of the new "old" line-up playing songs by the Bush line-up.

You will get to hear Joey making an ass of himself trying to sing songs like: Room for one more, Random acts of senseless violence, superhero etc.
I'm getting sick of this anti Joey-posts, nobody was complaining before Bush stepped in so shut it!!!He was the main difference back in the good old days of thrash that kept me interested in the genre!!! With Bush Trax soundz great/ok/killer whatever but they will never become "big"in the next 5 years!!!
hi dutchy
i think thrax are on the right way back to the top with john!
it was not johns fauld that they hadnt such success anymore, there have been other reasons like wrong record labels
now with nb they have good chances to be big again, but this would take time.
but with joey (if he is better or not it doesnt matter) it will be a step backwards
dutchy said:
I'm getting sick of this anti Joey-posts, nobody was complaining before Bush stepped in so shut it!!!He was the main difference back in the good old days of thrash that kept me interested in the genre!!! With Bush Trax soundz great/ok/killer whatever but they will never become "big"in the next 5 years!!!

You don´t think they would become bigger with Joey do you? It´s just that the times are changing.
powerwolve said:
hi dutchy
i think thrax are on the right way back to the top with john!
it was not johns fauld that they hadnt such success anymore, there have been other reasons like wrong record labels
now with nb they have good chances to be big again, but this would take time.
but with joey (if he is better or not it doesnt matter) it will be a step backwards

Hi Wolveman!!!:headbang:

and who did sign those contracts??
trust me, there will be 1 more Bush/Trax album and that's it!!
dutchy said:
My point is that the gigs with Joey are just for the 25th, great for the oldschoolers!! there is no way they should change singers for the next album!!


I love John Bush, and he is Anthrax's singer, but at the same time I'm a old schooler and seeing Mr Belladonna with Anthrax one more time will bring back some great memories. Thraxer since 86!

What I would love to see is the remaking of "White noise". Dave Jerdan is a great producer (for bands like Alice in chains, Jane's addiction) but he really took the balls out of the band. The high-end guitar tone and the powder-puff sound of the drums, he really never did have the feel to record a Metal band. He did the same thing to Sacred Reich on the "Independent" album.
I would love to hear Potter's field or Room for one more with the production quality of the "Two Evils" album.
By the way been a Thraxer ever since I heard "Howling furies" on a college station here in Boston back in '84. Thraxer for over 20 years now.