

New Metal Member
May 9, 2008
yeah so my guitarist (who is the weirdest kid alive mind you) is trying to make us a band name and all his ideas suck. so we are trying to find a name

anyway what would be a good name for a deathcore-type band?

any input is greatly appreciated
names are hard to come up with. it's almost like the great names are always right in front of you. Like mine which is Symbiant. symbiosis /sym·bi·o·sis/ (sim?bi-o´sis) pl. symbio´ses [Gr.]
1. in parasitology, the close association of two dissimilar organisms, classified as mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, amensalism, or synnecrosis, depending on the advantage or disadvantage derived from the relationship.
2. in psychiatry, a mutually reinforcing relationship between persons who are dependent on each other; a normal characteristic of the relationship between mother and infant.

Finding a decent term or something somewhere is always good. try watching dark movies or something or looking of dark references and look for something to match what you think you guys are.

If i think of something i will post it though for sure. Good Luck! :)
^^ Thats awesome.

here are some ones i punched in

Typing in Hatred, Pain, Suffering, Malice, Death, Rage, Punishment, Blood, Nemesis, Conviction, Murder,

These are what i thought were cool

Malevolent Hatred
Beloved Pain
Suffering Despair
Malice Of The Last Aggression
Malice Divine
Willing Death
Lament Death
Death Wish
Aging Rage
Rage Sunday
Punishment Praise
Blood Of The Consistency
Blood Army
Nemesis Fate
Dissonant Conviction
Gross Conviction
Dripping Murder
Grasping Of The Tenth - (this came up totally random but was cool)

I can design logo's and stuff..
Try something generic and draw an illegible logo, then throw uninspired breakdowns into a shitty ATG ripoff and whine about how everyone else is conforming.
Which is my way of saying that deathcore sucks balls.
That said, try something angry sounding. How about Dissonant Truth?
Something like InFrost, Children Of Mississipi, Amon Afart, Egoïsty, Deathy, Cheesy, anything would do the job.


I didn't really liked all those name said before, you've got to "feel" the name throught the music...