If you build it, Anathema fans will come...

IOfTheStorm said:
This thread is just another proof of how lame Anathema fans are

Papa Josh said:
Thank you and should shit get out of control, those found guilty shall be banished to the much talked about land of pitchforks, waiting for the next blood soaked rectum to violate.
This rule can apply to you too, buddy. :muahaha: :flame: :muahaha:

But we'll keep you around because you amuse us. :Smug:
Well, that joke worked on the day it was funny. :loco:

See: thread about star ratings.

Man, this thread is arse. It's like flogging the maggots living in a rotting horse corpse.
oh yeah, ive noticed the new forum, just been too lazy to check it out properly and sign in. ill do that soon, when im not as busy with school stuff as i am now :erk:

PS: downloaded that new anathema song (one day) and its great! itll be great to hear how it sounds when the whole band get its hands on it! when was it recorded btw?
Anathema are one of the coolest bands, too bad they never really put out any killer album from A to Z (Serenades and Eternity come close). Even their Radiohead shi(f)t has its moments though less and lesswith each album I find.