If you could only listen to ONE band...

You know, I just KNEW you would pick Maiden! :)

:lol: Anyone who knows me would know... I just love them! They've always been my top band and always will. even the albums that I know aren't so good I still love... and think about it, one band for the rest of your life? they've got fourteen album, plus B-sides and another studio album on the way... that's hours of music! Plus they've had three singers so a bit of variety to the sound if you ever get bored of listening to one voice...

Sorry for ruining the Megadeth trend :(
Haha no, it's fine! I know exactly where you're coming from. It's similar to how I feel about Megadeth, I love the albums I know aren't so good... and I never get bored of them because they have enough albums and extra tracks to rotate.
Megadeth, Iron Megadeth, Black Megadeth, O'Megadeth.....
FUCK. >.<

Resistance, is futile
I'll provide the opposition for the Megadeth bandwagon (this is only my opinion, please don't be offended):

1) Megadeth only have one really great thrash album from back in the day IMO, Rust In Peace, the rest have some great songs, but have equal amount of meh songs on them, even Rust In Peace seems to have a bit of filler on it.
2) Most of Megadeth's hard rock stuff can become annoying easily, due to Mustaine singing like his nose has been stapled up.

I personally wouldn't be able to stand only hearing Mustaine's voice for the rest of my life.