If you could produce ANY band who would it be?


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
The title says it all. Who would be the one band that if you had a shot to work with you would jump on it?

For me its easy:

TESTAMENT - everything about the band I love. Every album for me is a hit. I have no complaints about anything they have ever done other then the production on the the legacy. Every other CD has just been fucking crushing. Everything since PWYP has been pure gold in my opinion.

My favorite metal band of all time too so thats a bonus :)
PWYP is one of my all time favorite thrash albums - Blessed in Contempt FTMFW!

Any artist... that's tough. Probably Metallica, because I would love the opportunity of telling them how badly they suck now on a daily basis.
PWYP is one of my all time favorite thrash albums - Blessed in Contempt FTMFW!

Any artist... that's tough. Probably Metallica, because I would love the opportunity of telling them how badly they suck now on a daily basis.

Didnt Rick Rubin try that ... look what happened


Would you rather take an established band with well-defined expectations and risk ruining them forever, or take a young band that is awesome and nobody knows about and do them a huge favor?
Would you rather take an established band with well-defined expectations and risk ruining them forever, or take a young band that is awesome and nobody knows about and do them a huge favor?

I dunno man, thats a tough one. I think for me the more established band due to the "less bullshit" factor. They have done in before and know what it takes to get results. Some bands you work with when they are new are just really tough to get somethings through to them. Makes it such an uphill battle that sometimes its not worth it.
I just realized that the first part of my question there borders on severe insult...considering the talent on this forum, nobody here is going to ruin a band forever. Open mouth, insert foot.
If I were a pro-level guy, I'd want to go with the unknown band just because (for example) fucking Testament sounds like Testament. It'd be fun as hell to work with them, but what could I offer them?
I have heard that those guys are some of the nicest around, by the way.
Dude .. Eric is the shit!

We had the pleasure of doing a small 5 show tour with them when Murph was in the band. They were fucking awesome to hang out with! Chuck is definitely the comedian of the bunch. Hes always fucking with someone....lol

Wish we would have stayed in touch, cause they were really some awesome guys. Bumped into a Eric a few times at NAMM since, but hes always a busy guy running around like a chicken without a head ...lol
Oh god.. I'd say Cradle but after watching how they act in some behind the scenes stuff I'd fear for my studio.. dudes are crazy!

I'd probably go with Maiden since they got me into this whole crazy metal thing in the first place...

at this point ... I'd have to go with Maiden as well

I know I could get ONE MORE badass disc out of them as long as I didn't have to fight with Harris

other than that I'd love a shot at Manowar or Virgin Steele ... both bands used to be awesome, I think they just forgot what it was that made them awesome
Metallica , basically they just need someone who has been balls deep in the modern metal scene this decade to show them what everyone has been up to while they've been art collecting
Another for Maiden here. Would still keep it mostly live but force them to use a click, get that balance between the vibe of the last couple of records and the tightness of the older material.