if you could have any wish what would it be

Susie said:
aaaawwwwwwwwwww trust you :p yeh that would be nice, but so would being able to eat what you want for life and not gaining a pound :cool:
ok, now m havin second thaughts about my first wish hehe:lol:
first would be that i could have 5 wishes more.. :cool:

1. money
2. healt
3. nice job (dunno what i want to do)
4. kinky girl
5. more wishes.. :loco:
don´t know but i think i would get bored.. noooo.. no work.. just money! :grin:
To be able to wake up every day and spend my time pursuing things I care about and love and have it somehow bring me financial, practical success as well. :p
I wish that nobody and nothing would expect something from me, would be dependant on me, would be affected by me and what I do. I wish I could do however and whatever I like.