If you could have any afterlife what would it be?

All of these options sound fairly boring stretched out long term tbh.

Don't tell me it would not be fun for you to make someone get it up while they're hugging their grandma for your own amusement.
Whatever mine is, it would include a catch-all to keep it from becoming boring: I would never grow tired of whatever my afterlife consisted of. I'll post it later when I think of it.
Don't tell me it would not be fun for you to make someone get it up while they're hugging their grandma for your own amusement.

Unfortunately I lack a sadistic streak. :erk:

Edit: I take that back, mine just goes in a different direction. I hate personalities like Bam Margera with a passion because of shit like that, and the time he got put in the trailer full of snakes I did get immense pleasure watching it, and wished they were poisonous.
Now that I think about it, as the God of erection I would definitely love to give him a massive boner while he's in the air.
I'm just picturing the dude having an embarrassing fall on his face on cement with a huge boner.
I'm not talking about what you actually believe in, but what afterlife would be the most appealing to you?

I would want to be a spirit that would wander around the Universe. I could find out all of the mystery's, walk around where I lived, and in general watch everyone.
*edit* Don't turn this into a stupid religious debate either

as long as Mewtwo is there.
I would actually love to go to a world with Pokemon, that would be fucking insane. I would catch em' all.

or the world of Dragon Ball Z, I would be resurrected as a fucking saiyan. That would rule.
Digimon are gay. They evolve and then when they've taken care of business they turn gay again. And you can't have a bunch in balls.